
| Important Enhancements and Fixes

Overlapping User Limits

The feature allows for desired temps on the heating and cooling sides to be set over a wider range in a single building thus allowing for varied user limits across the heating and cooling side to be set. This feature provides more flexibility for setting appropriate desired temperatures.
Schedule State Enhancement
Auto-Away and Auto Forced Occupied options will be available for VAV and DAB-type zones. This is in compliance with Title 24 needs. This feature has also streamlined states in the system depending on the zones and its micro-zones for central profiles.
Heatmap Visualization 
Enhanced Heatmap to support all the zones and system points in all Global and Custom Visualizations.
External Dashboards in Portals
Provision to integrate external dashboards introduced.

Portals Password Security

Enhanced password resetting, to accept only new passwords and not older passwords.

IAQ parameters visibility and setting enhancements

  • A provision to set the IAQ parameters (CO2 VOC, PM2.5) threshold, and target values, during profile configuration from CCU, with increased limits.
  • A provision to enable IAQ parameters to be displayed in HyperStat device UI.
  • A provision to disable threshold and target for CO2 VOC, and PM2.5 during profile configuration from CCU.
7-day Special Schedule
Ability to set a 7-day continuous schedule for any dates in one year, starting today.
24 hours scheduling capability
A provision to set a schedule for up to 24 hours.  
BPOS (Battery Powered Occupancy Sensor) device is renamed to OTN(Occupancy & Temperature Node)

| New and Updated Docs

Overlapping User Limits for Heating & Cooling

Overlapping User limits Interactivity

Schedules & Schedule States

Effects of Schedule States in the Building

CCU Master Control

HyperStat Conventional Package Unit (CPU)

Creating Special Schedule from Portals & Apps

Creating Special Schedules from CCU

Setting Zone Schedule from Facilisight

Setting Zone Schedule from CCU

Setting Building Schedule from CCU

Setting Building Schedule from Facilisight

Creating & Editing Named Schedule

Internal Portal Heatmap- Latest


| Versions

CCU Version 

Internal Portal 


Facilisight Portal


Facilisight App

Occupant App 1.0.15



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