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| Overview

Tuners are a feature set in the 75F system, which are a set of predefined parameters that can be modified or changed in order to customize and finely tune our system's functioning to cater to specific building types and specific customer needs.

These tuner variables play a vital role in controlling the algorithm steps and functioning of different profiles.

Tuners provide the users with the capability to fine-tune the tuner parameters at 4 different levels.

Below is a complete list of tuners that are available for various types of conditioning that are made available as profiles in the 75F system, along with their respective aspects lie the description, default value and Min, max incremental values, and the level at which it can be applied.


| List of Tuners

The following table gives the complete list of Tuners.

Tuner Group Tuner Name Tuner Description Unit Default Value Min, Max, Incremental Values Priority Array Level
Tuner Group Tuner Name Tuner Description Unit Default Value Min, Max, Incremental Values Priority Array Level
DAB analogFanSpeedMultiplier Tuner that determines how fast a fan can move based on heating or cooling load NA 1 0.1, 3.0, 0.1 Building, System
DAB coolingDeadband Range of temperatures where no cooling occurs. E.g. if SP is 70F with coolingdeadband as 2 then range between 68 ~ 72 no cooling will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
DAB coolingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of coolingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of coolingdeadband and manages value of coolingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building, Module
DAB heatingDeadband Range of temperatures where no heating occurs. E.g. if SP is 65F with heatingdeadband as 2 then range between 63 ~ 67 no heating will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
DAB heatingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of heatingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of heatingdeadband and manages value of heatingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building, Module
DAB humidityHysteresis (%) Tuner that determines a condition at which humidifier / dehumidifier will turn off after being turned on to control inside humidity % 5 0, 100, 1 Building, System
DAB integralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA  0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building, System, Module
DAB modeChangeoverHysteresis Tuner that determines whether system should be in cooling or heating based on weighted average load. Once in heating or cooling mode this tuner will determine when changeover will happen to the other mode NA 0.5 0.0, 5.0, 0.5 Building, System
DAB proportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building, System, Module
DAB rebalanceHoldTime (m) This tuner determines at what duration rebalancing of dampers (Normalization) for DAB should take place m 20 1.0, 60, 1 Building, System
DAB relayDeactivationHysteresis (%) Tuner that determines a condition at which relay will turn off after being turned on to control based on load % 10 0, 10, 0.5 Building, System
DAB stageDownTimerCounter (m) When we have stages to be turned OFF like stage 2 & 1, this tuner determines the time duration at which stages should be turned OFF when there is a sudden change in loop outputs min 2 0, 30, 1 Building, System
DAB stageUpTimerCounter (m) When we have stages to be turned ON like stage 2 & 1, this tuner determines the time duration at which stages should be turned ON when there is a sudden change in loop outputs min 5 0, 30, 1 Building, System
DAB targetCumulativeDamper (%) Tuner which ensures overall damper opening is at some percentage. For multi zones few damper can be operating at min and few at max value. So target cumulative damper value helps in normalization % 70 0, 100, 1 Building, System
DAB temperatureIntegralTime (m) This tuner point defines the amount of time PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches to zero. It limits the speed of response and affects stability of the system min 30 1, 60, 1 Building, System, Module
DAB temperatureProportionalRange This tuner point defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper operations NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, System, Module
DAB zoneCO2Target (ppm) This tuners determines target value of CO2 in a zone ppm 1000 0, 2000, 10 Building, Module
DAB zoneCO2Threshold (ppm) This tuner determines a point where system starts controlling dampers to maintain space CO2 at target value in a zone ppm 800 0, 2000, 10 Building, Module
DAB zonePriorityMultiplier Each zone has a priority and this tuner manages value of zone priority in a zone. This tuner multiplies with the value of zone priority NA 1.3 0, 100, 1.3 Building, Module
DAB zonePriorityMultiplier This is a range of zone priority where occupant in a zone that is further away from the desired are exponentially more likely to feel uncomfortable. This prevents a zone with very large temp drifts from driving system operation NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, Module
DAB zoneVOCTarget (ppb) This tuners determines target value of VOC in a zone ppb 500 0, 1000, 10 Building, Module
DAB zoneVOCThreshold (ppb) This tuner determines a point where system starts controlling dampers to maintain space VOC at target value in a zone ppb 400 0, 1000, 10 Building, Module
DAB adaptiveComfortThresholdMargin This tuner defines a value, when when subtracted from the averageDesiredCoolingTemp will result in the AverageComfortThreshold  NA 4 1, 15, 1 Building, System
DAB chilledWaterIntegralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA 0.5 0.1, 1, 0.1 Building, System
DAB chilledWaterProportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1, 0.1 Building, System
DAB chilledWaterTemperatureIntegralTime  This tuner point defines the amount of time PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches to zero. It limits the speed of response and affects stability of the system. NA 30 1, 60, 1 Building, System
DAB chilledWaterTemperatureProportionalRange This tuner point defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper operations NA 4 1, 10, 1 Building, System
DAB outsideTempCoolingLockout This tuner determines the temperature  below which no mechanical cooling should happen in a system  °F 50 0, 70, 1 Building, System
DAB outsideTempHeatingLockout Thi tuner determines the temperature above which no mechanical heating should happen in a system °F 80 50, 100, 1 Building, System
DAB zonePrioritySpread This is a range of zone priority where occupant in a zone that is further away from the desired are exponentially more likely to feel uncomfortable. This prevents a zone with very large temp drifts from driving system operation NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, System, Module
VAV Co2TimeDelay This tuner determines time delay for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 1,20,1 Building, System
VAV analogFanSpeedMultiplier Tuner that determines how fast a fan can move based on heating or cooling load NA 1 0.1, 3.0, 0.1 Building, System
VAV co2IgnoreRequest This tuner determines number of ignore request for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones NA 2 0,10,1 Building, System
VAV co2SPInit (ppm) This tuner determines initial setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones ppm 800 0, 1500, 10 Building, System
VAV co2SPMax (ppm) This tuner determines maximum setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones ppm 1000 100, 2000, 10 Building, System
VAV co2SPMin (ppm) This tuner determines minimum setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones ppm 800 0, 1500, 10 Building, System
VAV co2SPRes (ppm) This tuner determines respond amount for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones ppm -10 -30.0, -1.0, 1.0 Building, System
VAV co2SPResMax (ppm) This tuner determines maximum response per time interval for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones ppm -30 -50.0, -1.0, 1.0 Building, System
VAV co2SPTrim (ppm) This tuner determines trim amount for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones ppm 20 0, 50, 1.0 Building, System
VAV co2TimeDelay (m) This tuner determines time delay for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 1,20,1 Building, System
VAV co2TimeInterval (m) This tuner determines time interval for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for CO2. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable CO2 that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 0,10,1 Building, System
VAV coolingDeadband Range of temperatures where no cooling occurs. E.g. if SP is 70F with coolingdeadband as 2 then range between 68 ~ 72 no cooling will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
VAV coolingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of coolingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of coolingdeadband and manages value of coolingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building, Module
VAV fanControlOnFixedTimeDelay (m) Prior to starting the fan, the damper Position is first driven fully closed to ensure that the fan is not rotating backwards. Once the fan is proven on for fanControlONFixedTimeDelay, the damper override is released min 1 0, 10, 1 Building, Module
VAV heatingDeadband Range of temperatures where no heating occurs. E.g. if SP is 65F with heatingdeadband as 2 then range between 63 ~ 67 no heating will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
VAV heatingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of heatingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of heatingdeadband and manages value of heatingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building, Module
VAV humidityHysteresis (%) Condition at which humidifier / dehumidifier will turn off after being turned on to control inside humidity % 5 0, 100, 1 Building, System
VAV integralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building
VAV proportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building
VAV reheatZoneToDATMinDifferential When the system is in cooling and a zone requires heating, reheatZoneToDATMinDifferential+ZoneTemp=datSP. If this calculated datSp is greater than the max allowed datSp, then reheatMaxDischargeTemp will be used as the datSp °F 9 0, 20, 0.5 Building, Module
VAV relayDeactivationHysteresis (%) Tuner that determines a condition at which relay will turn off after being turned on to control based on load % 10 0, 10, 0.5 Building, System
VAV satIgnoreRequest This tuner determines number of ignore request for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones NA 2 0,10,1 Building, System
VAV satSPInit This tuner determines initial setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones °F 65 50,70,1 Building, System
VAV satSPMax This tuner determines maximum setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones °F 65 55,75,1 Building, System
VAV satSPMin This tuner determines minimum setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones °F 55 45,65, 1 Building, System
VAV satSPRes This tuner determines respond amount for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones °F -0.3 -0.1, -2.0, -0.1 Building, System
VAV satSPResMax This tuner determines maximum response per time interval for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones °F -1 -0.1, -3.0, -0.1 Building, System
VAV satSPTrim This tuner determines trim amount for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones °F 0.2 -0.5, 5.0, 0.1 Building, System
VAV satTimeDelay (m) This tuner determines time delay for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 0, 30, 1 Building, System
VAV satTimeInterval (m) This tuner determines time interval for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Supply Air temp. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Supply Air temp that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 0, 20, 1 Building, System
VAV stageDownTimerCounter (m) When we have stages to be turned OFF like stage 2 & 1, this tuner determines the time duration at which stages should be turned OFF when there is a sudden change in loop outputs min 2 0, 30, 1 Building, System
VAV stageUpTimerCounter (m) When we have stages to be turned ON like stage 2 & 1, this tuner determines the time duration at which stages should be turned ON when there is a sudden change in loop outputs min 5 0, 30, 1 Building, System
VAV staticPressureIgnoreRequest This tuner determines number of ignore request for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones   2 0, 10, 1 Building, System
VAV staticPressureSPInit (inH₂O) This tuner determines initial setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones inch wc 0.2 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 Building, System
VAV staticPressureSPMax (inH₂O) This tuner determines maximum setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones inch wc 1 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 Building, System
VAV staticPressureSPMin (inH₂O) This tuner determines minimum setpoint for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones inch wc 0.2 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 Building, System
VAV staticPressureSPRes (inH₂O) This tuner determines respond amount for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones inch wc 0.05 0.01, 0.2, 0.01 Building, System
VAV staticPressureSPResMax (inH₂O) This tuner determines maximum response per time interval for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logicfor Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones inch wc 0.1 0.05, 0.5, 0.05 Building, System
VAV staticPressureSPTrim (inH₂O) This tuner determines trim amount for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones inch wc -0.02 -0.01, -0.5, - 0.01 Building, System
VAV staticPressureTimeDelay (m) This tuner determines time delay for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 0, 30, 1 Building, System
VAV staticPressureTimeInterval (m) This tuner determines time interval for a Trim & Respond setpoint reset logic for Static Pressure. T&R logic is optimal for controlling a single variable Static Pressure that is subject to the requirements of multiple downstream zones m 2 0, 30, 1 Building, System
VAV targetCumulativeDamper (%) Tuner which ensures overall damper opening is at some percetage. For multi zones few damper can be operating at min and few at max value. So target cumulative damper value helps in normalization % 70 0, 100, 1 Building, System
VAV temperatureIntegralTime (m) This tuner point defines the amount of time PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches to zero. It limits the speed of response and affects stability of the system. min 30 1, 60, 1 Building, System, Module
VAV temperatureProportionalRange This tuner point defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper operations NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, System, Module
VAV valveActuationStartDamperPosDuringSysHeating During system heating, this tuner determines the control signal for valve as the damper opens from vavleActuationStartDamperPosDuringSysHeating % to maxDamperPosHeating % . The actual mapping of valve actuator into the output signal depends on the type of actuator selected. Eg. if the max/min dampers are 100% and 40% and the calculated damper position is 80% then the valve  control signal will be 33% and for a 2-10V actuator, the output will be 4.4V NA 50 0,100, 5 Building, Module
VAV zoneCO2Target (ppm) This tuners determines target value of CO2 in a zone ppm 1000 0, 2000, 10 Building, Module
VAV zoneCO2Threshold (ppm) This tuner determines a point where system starts controlling dampers to maintain space CO2 at target value in a zone ppm 800 0, 2000, 10 Building, Module
VAV zonePriorityMultiplier Each zone has a priority and this tuner manages value of zonepriority in a zone. This tuner multiplies with the value of zonepriority NA 1.3 0, 100, 1.3 Building, Module
VAV zonePrioritySpread This is a range of zonepriority where occupant in a zone that is further away from the desired are exponentially more likely to feel uncomfortable. This prevents a zone with very large temp drifts from driving system operation NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building
VAV zoneVOCTarget (ppb) This tuners determines target value of VOC in a zone ppb 500 0, 1000, 10 Building, Module
VAV zoneVOCThreshold (ppb) This tuner determines a point where system starts controlling dampers to maintain space VOC at target value in a zone ppb 400 0, 1000, 10 Building, Module
VAV outsideTempCoolingLockout This tuner determines the temperature  below which no mechanical cooling should happen in a system  °F 50 0, 70, 1 Building
VAV outsideTempHeatingLockout This tuner determines the temperature above which no mechanical heating should happen in a system °F 80 50, 100, 1 Building
VAV reheatZoneDischargeTempOffset    °F 20 0, 50, 1 Building
VAV reheatZoneMaxDischargeTemp    °F 90 70, 120, 1  Building
Alert abnormalCurTempRiseTrigger This tuner determines abnormal rise in the value of current temp which will trigger an alert. For example if current temp rises 4F suddenly then there will be an alert °F 4 1.0, 20, 1.0 Building, Module
Alert airflowSampleWaitTime This tuner determines how much time to wait for airflow temp to come before alert is raised min 5 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert buildingLimitAlertTimer This tuner determines the duration after which an alert for building limit temperature breach need to be raised min 45 0.0, 60, 1.0 Building
Alert humidityCompensationOffset          
Alert constantTempAlertTime This tuner determines the duration after which there should be an alert in case there is no change in temp of that zone. For example if for a zone temperature is constant at 71F for 40 mins there there should be an alert min 40 0, 360, 1 Building, Module
Alert stage1CoolingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage1 cooling °F -20 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage1CoolingAirflowTempUpperOffset  This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage1 cooling °F -8 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage1HeatingAirflowTempLowerOffset  This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage1 heating °F 25 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage1HeatingAirflowTempUpperOffset  This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage1 heating °F 40 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage2CoolingAirflowTempLowerOffset  This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage2 cooling °F -25 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage2CoolingAirflowTempUpperOffset  This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage2 cooling °F -12 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage2HeatingAirflowTempLowerOffset  This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage2 heating °F 35 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage2HeatingAirflowTempUpperOffset  This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage2 heating °F 50 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage3CoolingAirflowTempLowerOffset  This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage3 cooling °F -25 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage3CoolingAirflowTempUpperOffset  This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage3 cooling °F -12 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage3HeatingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage3 heating °F 35 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage3HeatingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage3 heating °F 50 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage4CoolingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage4 cooling °F -25 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage4CoolingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage4 cooling °F -12 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage4HeatingAirflowTempLowerOffset  This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage4 heating °F 35 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage4HeatingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage4 heating °F 50 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage5CoolingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage5 cooling °F -25 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage5CoolingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage5 cooling °F -12 -150, 0, 1 Building, System
Alert stage5HeatingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner defines the lower limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage5 heating °F 35 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert stage5HeatingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner defines the upper limit for a range of Air flow temperature values when system is doing Stage5 heating °F 50 0, 150, 1 Building, System
Alert standaloneAirflowSampleWaitTime This tuner point defines the amount of wait time the CCU air flow values has exceed the offset ranges after which CCU/System will generate an alert stating that Airflow is out of bounds based on the range of OFFSET values for various stages m 30 1.0 - 100, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneCoolingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner point defines the lower limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing cooling conditioning °F -25 -150,  - 0, 1.0 System, Zone, Module
Alert standaloneCoolingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner point defines the upper limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing cooling conditioning °F -12 -150,  - 0, 1.0 System, Zone, Module
Alert standaloneHeatingAirflowTempLowerOffset This tuner point defines the lower limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing heating conditioning °F 25 0, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
Alert standaloneHeatingAirflowTempUpperOffset This tuner point defines the upper limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing heating conditioning °F 50 0, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
Alert standaloneStage1CoolingLowerOffset This tuner point defines the lower limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 1 cooling conditioning °F -20 -150, 0, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneStage1CoolingUpperOffset This tuner point defines the upper limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 1 cooling conditioning °F -8 -150, 0, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneStage1HeatingLowerOffset This tuner point defines the lower limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 1 heating conditioning °F 25 -150, 0, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneStage1HeatingUpperOffset This tuner point defines the upper limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 1 heating conditioning °F 40 -150, 0, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneStage2CoolingLowerOffset This tuner point defines the lower limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 2 cooling conditioning °F -25 -150, 0, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneStage2CoolingUpperOffset This tuner point defines the upper limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 2 cooling conditioning °F -12 -150, 0, 1.0 Building
Alert standaloneStage2HeatingLowerOffset This tuner point defines the lower limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 2 heating conditioning °F 25 0, 150, 1 Building
Alert standaloneStage2HeatingUpperOffset This tuner point defines the upper limit for the range of Air flow temperature values when equip/Standalone device is doing stage 2 heating conditioning °F 50 0, 150, 1 Building
Generic 2PipeFancoilCoolingThreshold For a 2 pipe FCU, this tuner determines if the central plant is providing cold water when compared to supply water temp sensor. If Th2 (supply water sensor) is less than 2pipeFancoilCoolingThreshold (65) then the central plant is providing cold water °F 65 35, 70, 1.0 Building
Generic 2PipeFancoilHeatingThreshold For a 2 pipe FCU, this tuner determines if the central plant is providing hot water when compared to supply water temp sensor. If Th2 (Supply water sensor) is more than 2pipeFancoilHeatingThreshold (85) then the central plant is providing hot water °F 85 80, 150, 1.0 Building
Generic buildingLimitMax  This tuner determines the maximum value of temperature which is generally acceptable within a building °F 90 50, 90, 1 Building
Generic buildingLimitMin This tuner determines the minimum value of temperature which is generally acceptable within a building °F 55 50, 90, 1 Building
Generic buildingToZoneDifferential Tuner that determines the maximum Zone setback that can be set by the Facility Manager. This allows a buffer between where the zone temperature is targeted during the unoccupied time and the place where we start alarming NA 3 0, 20, 1 Building
Generic ccuAlarmVolumeLevel This tuner determines the the volume of tablet when there is any alert NA 0 0, 7, 1 Building, System
Generic clockUpdateInterval (m) This tuner determines the time interval in which tablet clock will update with the time server min 15 1, 120, 1 Building, System
Generic cmHeartBeatInterval (m) This tuner determines the time interval at which CM communicates with the tablet min 1 1, 20, 1 Building, System
Generic cmTempPercentDeadZonesAllowed The CM temp needs to work along with Dead Zones Allowed. If number of zones dead is less than zone dead differentials then CM temp will not be in calculations as TI Profile is not enabled. This tuner should be taken into consideration in order to calculate SystemEquip - averageTemperature when number of zones that are dead should be greater than this tuner point value. NA 50 0, 100, 1 Building, System
Generic coolingPreconditioningRate Tuner that determines the number of minutes per degree difference between desired and current temperature the system should start cooling to meet the needs of the building by the occupied time min/°F 15 0,60,1 Building, System, Zone
Generic coolingUserLimitMax This tuner determines the maximum value which the user is allowed to change their Cooling desired temperature °F 77 72,80,1 Building
Generic coolingUserLimitMin This tuner determines the minimum value which the user is allowed to change their Cooling desired temperature °F 72 70,77,1 Building
Generic heartBeatsToSkip This tuner is part of synchronization between CM and CCU. This tuner value tells CM about number of heartbeats to miss before going to fail-safe mode °F 5 3, 20, 1 Building, System
Generic heatingPreconditioningRate Tuner that determines the number of minutes per degree difference between desired and current temperature the system should start heating to meet the needs of the building by the occupied time min/°F 15 0,60,1 Building, System, Zone
Generic heatingUserLimitMax This tuner determines the maximum value which the user is allowed to change their heating desired temperature °F 67 65,75,1 Building
Generic heatingUserLimitMin This tuner determines the minimum value which the user is allowed to change their heating desired temperature °F 72 60,70,1 Building
Generic integralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building
Generic perDegreeHumidityFactor (%) This tuner is used with humidity compensation in V2. If mHumidityCompensation =  measuredHumidity - humidityThreshold/perDegreeHumidityFactor % 10 0, 100, 1 Building, System
Generic proportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building
Generic standaloneCO2Target (ppm) This tuners determines target value of CO2 for a standalone equip ppm 1000 0, 2000, 10 Building
Generic standaloneCO2Threshold (ppm) This tuner determines a point where a standalone equip starts controlling dampers to maintain space CO2 at target value in a zone ppm 800 0, 2000, 10 Building
Generic standaloneCoolingPreconditioningRate  Tuner that determines the number of minutes per degree difference between desired and current temperature the standalone equip should start cooling to meet the needs of the zone by the occupied time min/°F 15 0, 60, 1.0 Building
Generic standaloneCoolingDeadband Range of temperatures where no cooling occurs for a standalone equip. E.g. if SP is 70F with coolingdeadband as 2 then range of temp shall be 68 ~ 72 °F 2 0.0, 10, 0.5 Building
Generic standaloneHeatingPreconditioningRate (minute) Tuner that determines the number of minutes per degree difference between desired and current temperature the standalone equip should start heating to meet the needs of the zone by the occupied time min/°F 15 0, 60, 1.0 Building
Generic standaloneHeatingDeadband Range of temperatures where no heating occurs for a standalone equip. E.g. if SP is 65F with heatingdeadband as 2 then range of temp shall be 63 ~ 67 °F 2 0.0, 10, 0.5 Building
Generic standaloneStage1Hysteresis Tuner that determines a condition at which humidifier / dehumidifier will turn off after being turned on to control inside humidity for a stage 1 standalone equip % 0.5 0.0, 10, 0.5 Building
Generic standaloneVOCTarget (ppb) This tuners determines target value of VOC in a zone for a standalone equip ppb 500 0, 1000, 10 Building
Generic standaloneVOCThreshold (ppb) This tuner determines a point where standalone equip starts controlling dampers to maintain space VOC at target value in a zone ppb 400 0, 1000, 10 Building
Generic temperatureIntegralTime (m) This tuner point defines the amount of time PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches to zero. It limits the speed of response and affects stability of the system. min 30 1, 60, 1 Building, Module
Generic temperatureProportionalRange This tuner point defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper opertions °F 2 0, 10, 1 Building, Module
Generic unoccupiedZoneSetback Determines how many degrees from the desired temperature the zone will be allowed to drift during unoccupied. Different zone may have different desired temperatures leading to different setbacks  °F 5 0,20,1 Building, Module
Generic userLimitSpread Tuner that determines the range that the FM can select between the max/min user limits NA 4 1,20,1 Building, System
Generic zoneTemperatureDeadLeeway Tuner that determines how far beyond the building limits we allow temperatures before declaring a zone dead °F 10 1, 20, 1 Building, System
Generic autoAwaySetback Determines how many degrees from the desired temperature the zone will be allowed to drift during Autoaway.  Different zone may have different desired temperatures leading to different setbacks  °F 2 0, 20, 1 Building, System, Module
Generic coolingDeadband Range of temperatures where no cooling occurs. E.g. if SP is 70F with coolingdeadband as 2 then range between 68 ~ 72 no cooling will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building
Generic coolingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of coolingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of coolingdeadband and manages value of coolingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building
Generic heatingDeadband Range of temperatures where no heating occurs. E.g. if SP is 65F with heatingdeadband as 2 then range between 63 ~ 67 no heating will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building
Generic heatingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of heatingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of heatingdeadband and manages value of heatingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building
Generic pidIntegralTime (m) This tuner point defines the amount of time PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches to zero. It limits the speed of response and affects stability of the system. min 30 5, 30, 5 Building
Generic standaloneAnalogFanSpeedMultiplier Tuner that determines how fast a fan can move based on heating or cooling load for as standalone devices or profiles NA 1 0.1, 3, 0.1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneCoolingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of coolingdeadband for standalone devices/profiles . This tuner multiplies with the value of coolingdeadband and manages value of coolingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5, 0.1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneHeatingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of heatingdeadband for standalone devices/profiles. This tuner multiplies with the value of heatingdeadband and manages value of heatingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5, 0.1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneHumidityHysteresis  Tuner that determines a condition at which humidifier / dehumidifier will turn off after being turned on to control inside humidity NA 5 1, 100, 1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneIntegralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA 0.5 0.1, 1, 0.1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneProportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1, 0.1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneRelayActivationHysteresis  Tuner that determines a condition at which relay will turn off after being turned on to control based on load NA 10 0, 100, 1 Building, System, Module
Generic standaloneTemperatureProportionalRange  This tuner point defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper operations °F 2 0, 10, 1 Building, System, Module
OAO co2DamperOpeningRate This tuner determines the rate at which outside air damper will open to manage CO2 level based on return air CO2 level % opening / 100 ppm 10 0, 200, 10 Building, Zone
OAO economizingDryBulbThreshold  In case If inside enthalpy is lower than the outside enthalpy, free-cooling can still be done if outsideTemp is lower than economizingDryBulbThreshold tuner °F 55 0, 70, 0.5 Building, Zone
OAO economizingMaxHumidity (%) Once the outside humidity value goes beyond this value then the outside air damper will be completely closed even when free cooling is available % 100 0,100,1 Building, Zone
OAO economizingMaxTemperature Once the outside temperature value goes beyond this value then the outside air damper will be completely closed even when free cooling is available °F 70 -50,120,1 Building, Zone
OAO economizingMinHumidity (%) Once the outside humidity value goes below this value then the outside air damper will be completely closed even when free cooling is available % 0 0,100,1 Building, Zone
OAO economizingMinTemperature Once the outside temperature value goes below this value then the outside air damper will be completely closed even when free cooling is available °F 0 -50,80,1 Building, Zone
OAO economizingToMainCoolingLoopMap  For a fully modulating RTU the economizingLoopOutput maps to the first economizingToMainCoolingLoopMap % of the cooling loop. When this is 30,  0 to 30% of systemCoolingLoopOp gets mapped to 0 to 100% of economizingLoop °F 30 0, 100, 1 Building, Zone
OAO enthalpyDuctCompensationOffset This tuner is used in OAO as an offset on outsideEnthalpy for determining whether free cooling can be used. If sum of outsideAirEnthalpy & this tuner value is less than insideAirEnthalpy then free cooling will be used NA 0 0, 10, 0.1 Building, Zone
OAO outsideDamperMixedAirMinimum  This tuner describes the mixed air minimum temp below which the outside damper is completely closed even when free cooling is available. °F 44 30, 60, 1 Building, Zone
OAO outsideDamperMixedAirTarget  This tuner describes the MAT target temp below which the outside damper starts closing  °F 50 30, 60, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPostPurgeFanSpeedTuner  Tuner that determines the at what speed the fan should be run during the purge % 50 0, 100, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPostPurgeOccupiedTimeOffsetTuner  Tuner that determines the how long after the occupancy period the post purge will kick in min 20 0, 360, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPostPurgeRuntimeTuner  Tuner that determines the how long the purge that occurs after the occupancy period will last min 120 0, 360, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPrePurgeFanSpeedTuner  Tuner that determines the at what speed the fan should be run during the purge min 50 0, 100, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPrePurgeOccupiedTimeOffsetTuner  Tuner that determines the how long before the occupancy period the pre purge will kick in min 180 0, 360, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPrePurgeRuntimeTuner  Tuner that determines the how long the purge that occurs before the occupancy period will last min 120 0, 360, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPurgeDabMinFanLoopOutput  Parameter that determines the minimum DAB fan loop output during the purge period % 50 0, 100, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPurgeDabDamperMinOpenMultiplier Parameter that determines the minimum DAB damper position during the purge and enhanced ventilation mode period % 1.5 0, 10, 0.1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPurgeVavMinFanLoopOutput  Parameter that determines the minimum VAV fan loop output during the purge period % 50 0, 100, 1 Building, Zone
OAO systemPurgeVavDamperMinOpenMultiplier Parameter that determines the minimum VAV damper position during the purge and enhanced ventilation mode period % 1.5 0, 10, 0.1 Building, Zone
Temperature adrCoolingDeadband This tuner determines the automated demand response deadband to be used for a longer drift on the cooling side °F 3 0.1, 5, 0.1 Building, Module
Temperature adrHeatingDeadband This tuner determines the automated demand response deadband to be used for a longer drift on the heating side °F 3 0.1, 5, 0.1 Building, Module
Temperature snCoolingAirflowTemp Airflow temperature in deg F for smartNode, above which we consider unit is in cooling mode for fail-safe mode °F 60 35, 70, 1 Building, Module
Temperature snHeatingAirflowTemp Airflow temperature in deg F for smartNode, above which we consider unit is in heating mode for fail-safe mode °F 105 80, 150, 1 Building, Module
TI coolingDeadband Range of temperatures where no cooling occurs. E.g. if SP is 70F with coolingdeadband as 2 then range between 68 ~ 72 no cooling will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
TI coolingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of coolingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of coolingdeadband and manages value of coolingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building, Module
TI heatingDeadband Range of temperatures where no heating occurs. E.g. if SP is 65F with heatingdeadband as 2 then range between 63 ~ 67 no heating will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
TI heatingDeadbandMultiplier Tuner that manages value of heatingdeadband. This tuner multiplies with the value of heatingdeadband and manages value of heatingdeadband NA 0.5 0, 5.0, 0.1 Building, Module
TI integralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building, System, Module
TI proportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building, System, Module
TI temperatureIntegralTime (m) This tuner point defines the amount of time PI loop in the system integrates the error over a period until error value reaches to zero. It limits the speed of response and affects stability of the system. min 30 1, 60, 1 Building, Module
TI temperatureProportionalRange This tuner point defines the band of temperature, or range of temperature, over which the output of the controller is proportional. Example controlling the damper operations NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, Module
TI zonePriorityMultiplier Each zone has a priority and this tuner manages value of zonepriority in a zone. This tuner multiplies with the value of zonepriority NA 1.3 0, 100, 1.3 Building, Module
TI zonePrioritySpread This is a range of zone priority where occupant in a zone that is further away from the desired are exponentially more likely to feel uncomfortable. This prevents a zone with very large temp drifts from driving system operation NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, System, Module
Timer autoAwayTime (m) During Occupied period of the zone (Not during preconditioning period), If an Occupant is not detected for this tuner duration, the zone should enter 'Auto Away' mode if occupancy is enabled min/°F 60 40, 300, 1 Building, Module
Timer cmResetCommandTimer (m) This tuner determines the time duration after which CM needs a reboot min 90 0, 300, 1 Building, System
Timer forcedOccupiedTime (m) During unoccupied time in case there is occupancy detected or the user interacts with or edits user intent points then the system enters occupied mode for this tuner period only min 120 30, 300, 1 Building, Module
Timer zoneDeadTime (m) This tuner determines the duration after which if an abnormal temp value is received or current temp values are not updating and continues to receive same temp, then zone will be marked as dead min 15 1, 300, 1 Building, Module
HyperStat auxHeating1Activate (°F)

For 2Pipe FCU or WSHP Auxillary heat 1 enables when currentTemp < desiredHeatingTemp -auxHeating1Activate.

Auxillary heat relay will deactivate when currentTemp = desiredHeatingTemp

°F 3 0, 10, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat auxHeating2Activate (°F)

For 2Pipe FCU or WSHP Auxillary heat 1 enables when currentTemp < desiredHeatingTemp -auxHeating2Activate.

Auxillary heat relay will deactivate when currentTemp = desiredHeatingTemp

°F 4 0, 10, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat 2PipeFancoilHeatingThreshold For a 2 pipe FCU, this tuner determines if the central plant is providing hot water when compared to supply water temp sensor. If Th2 (Supply water sensor) is more than 2pipeFancoilHeatingThreshold (85) then the central plant is providing hot water °F 85 80, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat 2PipeFancoilCoolingThreshold (°F) For a 2 pipe FCU, this tuner determines if the central plant is providing cold water when compared to supply water temp sensor. If Th2 (supply water sensor) is less than 2pipeFancoilCoolingThreshold (65) then the central plant is providing cold water °F 65 35, 70, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat waterValveSamplingOnTime (m) For a 2-pipe FCU, when the water temperature is above or below the thresholds, this tuner defines a time interval for which the water valve needs to be opened post the waterValveSamplingWaitTime (m), before starting to sample for thresholds. min 2 0, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat waterValveSamplingWaitTime (m) For a 2-pipe FCU, when the water temperature is above or below the thresholds, this tuner defines a time interval. and if the water valve is not opened for more than this time interval, the water valve should be opened for 100% before starting to sample for thresholds min 58 0, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat waterValveSamplingDuringLoopDeadbandOnTime (m) For a 2-pipe FCU, when the water temperature is within the thresholds, this tuner defines a time interval for which the water valve needs to be opened post the waterValveSamplingDuringLoopDeadbandWaitTime(m), before starting to sample for thresholds. min 2 0, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
HyperStat waterValveSamplingDuringLoopDeadbandWaitTime (m) For a 2-pipe FCU, when the water temperature is within the thresholds, this tuner defines a time interval. and if the water valve is not opened for more than this time interval, the water valve should be opened for 100% before starting to sample for thresholds min 5 0, 150, 1 System, Zone, Module
OTN coolingDeadband Range of temperatures where no cooling occurs. E.g. if SP is 70F with coolingdeadband as 2 then range between 68 ~ 72 no cooling will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
OTN heatingDeadband Range of temperatures where no heating occurs. E.g. if SP is 65F with heatingdeadband as 2 then range between 63 ~ 67 no heating will occur °F 2 0, 10.0, 0.1 Building, Module
OTN integralKFactor Condition with which the controller output is proportional to the amount of time the error is present NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building, System, Module
OTN proportionalKFactor Tuner that produces an output action that is proportional to the deviation between the set point and the measured process value for a PI Loop NA 0.5 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 Building, System, Module
OTN zonePrioritySpread This is a range of zone priority where occupant in a zone that is further away from the desired are exponentially more likely to feel uncomfortable. This prevents a zone with very large temp drifts from driving system operation NA 2 0, 10, 1 Building, System, Module








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