When starting a new 75F installation, being prepared is key. The following are items that will help to increase the speed and efficiency of the process:
- Ensure you have 75F supplied wire and adapters for all SmartNodes/Hyperstats and sensors.
- Multisensors, RTH, CTH, DPS, 75F Duct Sensors all require 3-pin cable/3-wire adapters
- Hypersense requires 4-pin cable and/or adapters
- Note the following article for CCU locations to avoid:
- https://support.75f.io/hc/en-us/articles/19426680165395-CCU-Locations-to-Avoid
- Install new transformers in electrical rooms, mechanical rooms, inside HVAC equipment, or other locations where the transformers are easily accessible and meet local code.
- Plan all cable runs prior to beginning. Keep cable paths parallel to building lines.
- Run cables in bridle rings or other appropriate cable paths. Do not strap to fire lines, ceiling tile grid, HVAC equipment, or other items that vibrate or are sharp.
- Provide bushings for any cable penetrations through sharp objects.
- Avoid sharing IT cable trays.
- Homerun all wires. Splicing will cause sensor communication issues and may void warranty.
- Zip tie along the way to keep wire from sagging and neat.
- Zip tie with a loop at each device for stress relief.
- If reusing thermostat cable, ohm wires to ensure integrity of conductors.
- Firestop any penetrations as required by code.
- Electrical equipment and cabling must be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner [Sec. 110.12]
- Unused openings must be closed by fittings that provide protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment [Sec. 110.12(A) and (C)].
Note: Refer to the National Electric Code (NEC) and your local electrical ordinances.
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