
3 Minute Read

| Overview

The OTN (Occupancy and Temperature Node) is part of 75F's vertically integrated suite of intelligent building solutions, delivering multi-mode sensing, and remote monitoring for building occupants. The OTN (Occupancy and Temperature Node) supports the Temperature influencing profile on the software side.

OTN is a temperature, occupancy, and humidity sensing device integrated into the existing CCU as a pairable option on the floor planner.

OTN (Occupancy and Temperature Node) is a product for customers who need micro zone level controls that can override existing schedules. This comes in handy in cases where there is dynamic occupancy in a space.

  • A restaurant where occupancy varies from day to day and time to time.
  • Predicting the occupied and unoccupied desks Work environments post Covid19 where the employee strength is cycled

| Advantages

The following reasons make OTN stand out amongst the occupancy detectors in the market.

  • OTN (Occupancy and Temperature Node) is powered by 2 x AA cells; hence, no wiring is required.
  • They can communicate on a 75F proprietary RF network and do not need a gateway to connect to the rest of the system.
  • Minimal BOM and hence value for money.
  • The device can sense temperature and humidity with mechanical buttons and can still work as a thermostat if it controls nothing.
  • The battery life is expected to be more than 2 years
  • This profile does not connect/control any equipment at the terminal level. The reported temperatures influence the operation of the central plant equipment.

| How it Works


OTN when paired as Temperature Influencing profile does not connect/control any equipment at the terminal level. The reported temperatures, however, indirectly influence the operation of the central plant equipment based on the occupancy status of the zone. Hence it comes with a zone status, but no equipment status if it's used in solitary.

Multiple OTN modules cannot be paired to a single zone. When paired a module comes with a zone, building, and named schedule like a regular zone. In addition, there is a zone-level vacation and system vacation that affects all these temperatures influencing equipment modules.


The OTN does not use BLE to pair, it will need to link into the pairing process with BLE. For more information on pairing, refer Occupancy & Temperature Node (OTN), Operations & Usage.

Occupancy Sensing

Each OTN has a built-in occupancy sensor that can be used to automatically override the schedule status of the zone. Based on the modes of occupancy the schedule states are triggered, which influences the central plant to work and condition the space during occupied times and relax and not condition the space during unoccupied times. With the tuner values set for unoccupied and auto-away setbacks. The temperatures during those schedule states can drift further away from the set points, thus reducing the load on the central equipment and leading to energy savings.

During an occupied time, the sensed temperature is communicated to the system, and based on whether the sensed temperature is above or below the setpoints, the zone calls for heating or cooling. Based on whether the system-level equipment is controlled by a DAB or a VAV system profile, the required heating or cooling is supplied using the DAB logic or VAV logic respectively.

For more information on the schedule states, refer Schedules & Schedule States

| Configuration

From the Select Device type screen

  1. Select OTN


The OTN|Select module Type screen displays

  1. Select Temperature Influencing.


The Temperature influencing configuration screen displays the following parameters.

  • Zone Priority
  • Auto Force Occupied
  • Auto-Away
  • Temperature Offset


| Configuration Parameters



Default Value

Values in the drop-down list

Zone Priority

To set the zone priority






Auto Force Occupied

To enable Auto Force occupied



Auto Away

To enable Auto Away



Temperature Offset

To set the Temperature offset

0 (°F)


Range from -10 to + 10 in .1 increments  





  1. Click Set to confirm the parameters configured.

The Configured profile for the Temperature Influencing profile displays.


The configured profile post configuring in the CCU as seen is Internal portal is shown below:





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