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| Schedule

The schedule is a concept of defining the usage of a building during the day of the week based on the occupancy of the building and determining the HVAC needs for the corresponding occupancy.

Below is a schedule from the portal.

oh new 1.png

From above it is evident that a schedule is just like any other schedule, timetable, or planned timed session, but in this case, the schedule does not only have a defined time limit, for which the building will be occupied for the day, but it also has a setpoint instead of defined heating and cooling user limits for each day of the week which determines the load on the HVAC equipment.

| Types of Schedules

There are 3 types of schedules  

Zone Schedule - It is a defined time limit with a defined setpoint, which is set up for a particular zone. This defines the occupancy of the zone for all the days of the week and the load on the module-level HVAC equipment. This allows users to have local control of their temperature. Zone schedules should always be within the building schedule and are editable via the zone tab on the CCU or Facilisight application.

Below is a zone schedule from the portal.

super zone schedule-111.png


When a change is made to the desired temperatures in the zones following a zone schedule, via the CCU/Portals/Apps /smart devices, the change gets updated in the zone schedule immediately, and the zone schedule holds the new desired temperature until a new change is made for the selected occupied block.

Below is a change made to the desired temperature from the portal for the zone schedule specified above.


Below is the change updated in the zone schedule in the portal.

super zone schedule-112.png


The change gets updated in the CCU as well.



Building Occupancy

Building Occupancy is introduced which provides the occupied time and unoccupied time for a building at a zone level. This helps the Facility Managers to set zone level limits for specific zones without having to worry about validations and limits across the system, mostly on the master controller level. 



Intrinsic Schedule- A schedule, which is introduced at the Algorithmic level, and is not a configurable option, which shortens the actual building schedule, based on the statuses of the individual zones, using any system-level device (AHUs & RRTUs.) For more information refer to Intrinsic Schedules for System Profiles

Named schedule- is a type of schedule that is introduced in the 75F system to make life easier for the Facility and the Organization managers. Being an organization manager who handles the BMS for multiple buildings, or a facility manager who handles many zones in a building, it was a tedious and time-consuming task to go and add or update the zone schedules for the individual zones in every building handled. With the introduction of the Named Schedule in the 75F system, the organization manager can set schedules for individual zones in multiple buildings, with just a selection from a dropdown, and when there is a change in the set schedule, making the change in the named schedule created, will update the change in all the places the schedule is applied in. for more information refer Creating & Editing Named Schedule

Special Schedule is a schedule that allows a Facility manager to introduce a schedule that is outside of the actual set of building and zone schedules. For example, a Facility manager would want to schedule the building on a Saturday for a small duration of time for which he would want the building's HVAC equipment to run. A schedule like this on a Saturday which is outside of the actual building schedule has been made possible with the introduction of the Special Schedule. For more information refer to Creating Special Schedules from CCU, Creating Special Schedule from Portals & Apps

| Modes of Occupancy Based on Schedule

The 75F BMS implements several modes to account for how the building is used and the associated HVAC needs based on the schedule set:

Occupied (Setpoint) Mode:

When the system is in occupied mode, the system will try to maintain the temperature within the desired temperature limits. During occupied mode, the system can provide conditioning based on the mode it is present. If it is in auto mode, the system will automatically switch between cooling and heating. If the system is in heating mode, the system will only provide heating. If IAQ (Internal Air Quality) control is enabled, the system will maintain the thresholds of CO2, VOC and PM 2.5.


Auto-Away Mode:

If occupancy detection (using the PIR sensor) is enabled, and no occupancy is detected during the occupied part of the schedule, then the temperature is setback by the autoAwaySetback tuner. 


Unoccupied (Setback) Mode:

During unoccupied mode, the system will begin to allow the temperatures to drift to the setback temperatures. This unoccupied mode is used to help save energy by letting the building drift more naturally to a lower or higher temperature depending on the environment. The temperature setback amount is determined by the unoccupiedSetback. No IAQ (Internal Air Quality) is maintained during this period. 


Forced Occupied (Temporary Hold) Mode:

A zone enters Force occupied mode when a user interacts to change a temperature control (Local interface sensor or user app or via the Facilisight application) during unoccupied mode and physically sets the desired temperature. For Standalone equipment, the zone will independently actuate the equipment as needed/allowed to drive desired temperatures. The zone will be given a temporary priority of forcedOccupiedpriority for forcedoccupiedtime during the forced occupied trigger.  For central equipment, IAQ (Internal Air Quality) is maintained if enabled. 

Auto-forced Occupied Mode:

Auto-forced occupied mode is the same as the forced occupied mode the only difference is Auto forced occupied mode is triggered for occupancy, which is detected due to an occupancy sensor that detected the occupancy in the room or the zone.



It is the mode that is triggered when the building is about to be occupied. The algorithm constantly views how far apart the desired and current temperatures are. The algorithm knows when every zone is going to be occupied based on the schedule and is aspiring to reach that temperature. There are tuners for heatingPreconditioningRate and coolingPreconditioningRate that determines the number of minutes per degree difference between desired and current temperature the system should start heating or cooling to meet the needs of the building by the occupied time.  No IAQ (Internal Air Quality) is maintained during this period since the building is not expected to have occupants during this time. 


Emergency Conditioning:

It is the emergency heating or cooling that can be triggered by even one zone, f it breaches the building limits set

| Schedule States at Zone Level





Auto away:






Auto Forced Occupied



Note: A CCU operates according to a time zone that is set during the CCU registration process. If there are any changes to the time zone, the set schedule will be altered according to the time zone set. Therefore, it is recommended to restart the application whenever the time zone is modified to ensure the schedule remains accurate and the system functions correctly.






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