| Developer Portal
It is a one-stop shop for developers to interact with 75F APIs that are exposed through products.
With the developer portal an eternal user can:
- Request a subscription to available products
- Manage subscription keys
- Test API operations
- View metrics such as several calls made, data transferred, and response times.
The experience provided by the portal is highly customizable, from a simple WYSIWYG editor to self-hosting
Onboarding a developer for use of our external API entails the following steps.
- Developer Portal User Creation
- Product Publication
- Product Subscription & Approval
- 75F User Creation
| Developer Portal User Creation
As an external user or developer, You can access the Developer Portal using the Home - 75F - Developer portal
The welcome page of the developer portal provides the user with two options
- Option to explore the APIs
You can access APIs, Products from the welcome page, only if you are a signed-in user.
You can access the portal using the link provided in the email, or using the sign-in option in the registration confirmation screen.
- Sign in with the email ID and password, provided during registration and click sign in.
| Product Publication
Products available for the signed-in user exposure are displayed.
You can access the APIs under the product by clicking the APIs option, the list of APIs made available, based on the approval of admins or the internal developers.
You can see what the API exposes.
Further, you can see the other parts of the API below
- Request URL
- Request Header
- Request Body
- Request response.
| Product Subscription & Approval
A mechanism by which we restrict a developer portal user’s request to only a subset of published APIs. A subscription is typically scoped to a product. Once a subscription to a product is in place, the developer is provided a subscription key. Any request to an API must contain an authorized subscription key. If a request is missing a key or contains an invalid key, the request is rejected at the gateway and never forwarded to the backend. Strictly speaking, APIs may be published without requiring a subscription. In this case, the API is publicly available to anyone with the URL.
- Enter the API product in the field provided and click Subscribe to request a subscription and subscription key.
Once requested, the user profile screen displays the subscription details,
The same can be seen in the admin portal as pending approval and approved by the portal admins.
Once approved the APIs are made available to start sending requests.
| 75F User Creation
The developers/ users, created as secondary facility managers for the respective sites, from where they can sample the data.
| Sampling Data
You can click the Try it option and use the subscription key provided, and the bearer token generation.
You can start sampling API for different sets of data.
For more information on the generation of Bearer toke refer to Oauth API.
For more information on sampling data refer to Read API
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