
Someone once asked me.. what's all this shit mean? 

Well, we don't need to get into the nitty-gritty here. But I will share the need to know about these indicators. They are essentially the single calculated values that take into account priority and temperature drift. 

Actual Comfort Index: Deprecated and no longer a valuable metric

Comfort Selector: Deprecated and no longer a valuable metric

WeightedAverageLoadMA: This is the number that tells how much heating or cooling is required based on some logic of the next two. What you need to know is that the bigger the number, the more of a heating or cooling load you have. The sign (+ or -) Tells you if the load is for heating or cooling. + means that it is a cooling load. - Means that it is a heating load. So in the image above, there is a large heating load.

WeightedAverageCoolingLoadPostML: This is the calculated value of the current weighted average cooling load. This takes the average of all zones that currently require cooling, their delta T and the zone priorities and aggregate them in the total average cooling load. The larger the number, the more cooling is required. 

WeightedAverageHeatingLoadPostML: This is the calculated value of the current weighted average heating load. This takes the average of all zones that currently require heating, their delta T and the zone priorities and aggregate them in the total average heating load. The larger the negative number, the more cooling is required. 





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