
2 Minute read

| Overview

CCU data backfill strategy is a feature introduced in the 75F system. This feature lets the user predefine a backfill time, for which the CCU can backfill the data once it comes online after being offline for a while.

The backfill time can be defined from both the internal portal and CCU.

The backfill times are so programmed that based on the number of Zones/Equips for a CCU the available timers for the backfill also vary.

| Defining Backfill Time from CCU

To define the backfill time from the CCU.

  • Access the installer options screen from the CCU.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to locate the Backfill time section.

  • Click the drop-down arrow to access the times available for the backfill.

  • Select a time interval for which the CCU should be backfilled when it comes back online after being offline for a while.

  • Click Apply to confirm the backfill time definition for the CCU.

The Backfill time saved successfully message displays and the backfill time is set. 

| Defining Backfill Time from Internal Portal

To define the backfill time from the CCU.

  • Access Facilisight Assist >> Select site >> Remote Installer Options

  • Click the drop-down arrow to access the times available for the backfill.

  • Select a time interval for which the CCU should be backfilled when it comes back online after being offline for a while.

  • Specify the reason for the change and click update to confirm the backfill time definition for the CCU.

| Equip Number Based Time Interval Availability 

Below is a table that talks about the backfill times availability for definition, based on the number of equips in the CCU.

Number of Equips in CCU Backfill Times Availability for Definitions.

>40 equips

Upto 1 Hour

>30 equips 

Upto  6 Hours

>20 equips 

Upto 12 hours

>6 equips 

Upto 24 Hours

<6 equips

All options

Note: The implementation is such that, CCU would start backfilling the recent data first and then until the defined time interval, once it is online after being offline for some time.

The CCU backfills for the defined time interval, only if it was offline for more than the defined interval.

Else it backfills the data for whatever interval it was offline for.

| Data Synchronization between Cloud and CCU

Data synchronization between Cloud and CCU provides a uniform synchronization strategy for seamless communication across various online and offline CCU and Cloud functioning modes.

This helps in synching data whenever a CCU is over a prolonged offline mode thus further common building data, modified User intents, modified schedules, modified vacations, and modified tuners during the time the CCU was offline.


Use Case

Let us consider an example where a CCU goes offline at 4 p.m. and regains online connectivity at 6 p.m. The CCU backtracks and synchronizes starts backfilling data from the most recent timestamp to the last available timestamp when the CCU went offline i.e 5.59 p.m. to 4.01 p.m. This provides a seamless synchronization of the CCU to backfill all data when the CCU went offline.





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