
Your heatmap is home to some pretty valuable data that can help you trouble shoot issues or discover root causes for issues. Each zone and CCU will display individual data for their representative devices. Depending on the devices you have on site it will change the types of data you may be able to receive.


| Zone Data Points

When you hover over or click into a zone you will be met with a list of graphs and data points. And again, depending on your configuration of the site and the devices installed this can change what the data may appear to be like in your view. No matter what your first data point should be your runtime data/conditioning status. For a staged unit you will see straight up and down bars for your heat/cool calls. Red bars indicate heat stages and blue bars indicate cooling stages. For analog units you will see lines on a graph move from 0% to 100% indicating the activity of the heating, cooling, or the fan speed of the zone.


| Current vs Desired

On your zone charts you will notice a data point called "Current vs. Desired" this data point will show 3 numbers and lines on it. On this chart the blue line on the top indicated the temp that the zone will cool to if it is to hot. Below that the green line indicates what the current temp in that zone is, and the red line at the bottom indicates what the zone will heat to if it is to cold. A good troubleshooting tool for this data point is if you see the green current temp line reading as "0" or flatlined that may indicate a faulty sensor which may just need to be reset


| Occupancy and Schedule Type

The occupancy and schedule data points are fairly self explanatory but can be helpful to troubleshoot some minor issues. The zone occupancy status shows you when your building is in occupied mode, occupied mode will occur while your zone is in its schedule time or with certain devices that have occupancy sensors, when detected. Your zone schedule data point tells you which type of schedule this zone is running between: building, zone, and named. Some trouble shooting tools this data point can be helpful for are if you make schedule changes and they do not show up changed in these data points after 5 minutes the new schedule may have not taken. Try pushing the schedule again, and make sure the times do not overlap with one another.


| Humidity, CO2, and VOC

Some devices such as the HyperStat, or the Multi-Sensor are capable of detecting CO2 and VOC levels in the air. These can be helpful to determine how much harmful air particles are floating around in your air, they can also be tied to alerts to let you know when certain levels reach too high of a level. As with our other sensors, if you know one is installed and you are seeing a level that reads 0, or one that reads way to high the sensor may not be working properly and may need a reset or recalibration.


| Damper Position and Airflow/Water Flow Temps

These two data points are some of the most handy and important tools to look at when trying to determine troubleshooting causes on your site. Your damper position data point shows you your max, min, and current damper positions. These positions can change depending on if its heating, cooling, or recirculating the air into the space. On the damper position data point you'll notice multiple lines, these lines indicate your max and min damper positions during heat or cool calls, the solid green line indicates your current damper position. This data point is also where you will see your reheat position if you have them installed. Trouble shooting for damper positions can be handy, if you aren't getting good airflow into your zone you can check to make sure the damper is opening properly or if it is opening and closing properly between heating and cooling calls. You air/water flow temps show you what the incoming temp is in this zone, this data point is a very handy tool to diagnose issues with your rooftop units. If your zone is calling for a heating call but under this data point you read a 60 degree airflow this tells you that something may be wrong with the RTU itself, cross check with other zones and with that you can determine your RTU's functionality. If these sensors read 0, we once again may be having issues with the sensors needing a reset or the node being reset that they are connected to.





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