
| Overview

A Summary table is a simple and better view of the status and details of a system/building/zone. It can define and display parameters at different levels of a system/building/zone and further help in easy management and troubleshooting

A Summary table Viewer allows a user to create customized tables which enables them to:

  • View the statuses of zones/systems.
  • Overview of a system/zone.
  • Establish comparisons between systems/zones.
  • Faster troubleshooting of any discrepancies in a system/zone.

The advantages of a Summary Table are:

  • Hassle-free configuration for support users and easy views for Facilisight users
  • More Haystack flexibility through the usage of tags.
  • User-friendly approach through editable parameter names.

Summary Tables share a common framework within a common framework system. For more information on Common Framework please refer to Common Framework for Tools.

| Accessing the Summary Tables Creation

To access the Summary Table Viewer from the Internal Portal

  • Log into the Internal portal.
  • Select the building in scope.


The heatmap page is displayed.

  • Select the Summary Table dropdown to display the Summary tables option.


| Types of Summary Tables

Summary tables are categorized into three types depending on visibility. They are as follows:

  • Personal Summary Tables
  • Summary Tables shared by me
  • Summary Tables shared by others.

Personal Summary Table:

Personal summary tables are visible to only the user who has created them. They are used for self-reference.

Summary Table shared by Me:

Summary tables shared by me are the ones that are created by the signed-in users and shared with other users. This is visible to all Internal and Facilisight users once shared.

Summary tables shared by Others:

Summary tables shared by others are the ones that are created by other users as shared tables. This as well is visible to all Internal and Facilisight users once shared.

The Summary table section displays any table created and enabled already for the site as below.


| Creating a Summary Table

  • Click on the Add Summary table option.


Note: Already created summary tables under the personal, shared by me, and shared by others displays as below



  • Click on Create New Summary table to create a new summary table.

The Summary table builder is displayed.


Note: Once summary tables have been created, they are listed in alphabetical order in the summary table list.

Summary Table Builder

The summary table builder provides the user with options to search, select, and add points, add why and what description and conditions on point values, and define the visualized value. 

Description bold.png

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page: 



Summary table Name

You can use this field to set a name to the summary table created.

Note: Summary table names cannot contain any empty names or special characters at the beginning. Allowed special characters are hyphen (-), underscore (_), space (), hash (#) and percentage (%).

Title character.png

Select Build Type

You can use this option to select a build type, used to build the summary table.

If Then
Builder build type is selected.

You can filter the points by searching and selecting the defined nominal haystack tags query as below.

Zone Current temp.png

Custom build

type is selected. 

You can filter the points by using an advanced query on haystack tags as below.

  • Custom query allows users to mix and match points from summary types to create a customized version of a summary table.
  • Custom query also allows users to select a specific point id using point refs for a summary type.

Select Summary Type

You can use this option to select a specific Summary Type.

Building To filter points at the building level and add to the summary table.
System To filter points at the system level and add to the summary table.
Zone To filter points at the zone level and add to the summary table.

You can use this option to set a summary table as a personal summary table or shared summary Table.

Note: A summary table can be shared or can be viewed as a personal summary table. A personal table can be viewed only by the user who has created the table whereas a shared table can be viewed by other users.

Why and What

You can use this option to add the why and what description of the table and its purpose of creation.

why what.png


Cancel You can use this option to exit the builder.
Create a New Summary Table You can use this option to create a new summary table.

Add Points

The points filtered using the tags are all auto selected. with the point name being a combination of the tags used to filter, as below.


  • Use the edit icon to edit the point name as per the requirement.


  • Use more tags to narrow down the points filtered.


Define Condition

  • Click Add Condition to add conditions to the points selected and define the point as below.


Note: You can add up to 40 conditions and 100 parameters as below.


  • Click the Palette option to select a color for the point condition and definition.


  • Select the module data that you want to calculate for the specific point. Module data can be individual, an average, highest, or lowest for a point.



    • Individual Module Data - To apply the filter condition for individual module-level data in a zone.
    • Highest Module Data - To apply the filter condition for the highest of all the module data in a zone.
    • Average Module Data -To apply the filter condition for the average of all the module data.
    • Lowest Module Data - To apply the filter condition for the lowest of the module data.

  • Select the No Condition checkbox if no condition is to be applied to a point.

Repeat the above steps and add more required points to the summary table.

Repeat the steps to add conditions to add conditions to the newly added points.

Note: It is a best practice to leave the point name at the combination of the tags, which will be a refernce for the other users to replicate or reuse the query.

  • Click Create a New Summary table to confirm the summary table.


Enabling Write Capability for Points Added

The write functionality for added points allows users to view and write values at different levels in a priority array based on selection. It also allows for bulk edit of values for a parameter.

  • Select the check box Enable Write at Level to make the point added writable.

  • Select the priority level at which the write of the point added should happen when the write is carried out using the summary table writing capability.
  • Use the drop-down below for the same.

The summary table is created with a success message. The summary table is available for enabling in the summary table dropdown menu under the type of summary table it was created as.

For more application specific summary table templates refer to Summary Table Templates

| Creating Physical Points using Custom Query 

Custom query builder can be used to create a zone physical points summary table as shown below:



The available physical points can be observed for currently available device types like SmartNode, HelioNode, SmartStat, HyperStat.


It should be noted that heirarchy does not work for physical points when custom query is used.

| Editing a Summary Table

The parameters in a table can be modified according to the required data to be captured for the devices included for a zone or a system.

  • Click on the Gear New_Gear.pngicon for an existing summary table.



  • Click Edit Summary table option to display an existing summary table. 

Post making changes to the table,

  • Click Update to Existing table to add the updated parameters to the table.

  • Click Create a New Summary table to copy the changes to a new table.

  • Click Cancel to cancel any changes made to the table.



The Summary table is updated successfully.

Note: Only a personal summary Table or a summary table shared by me can be edited to make any specific changes. Editing a table is not applicable to Summary Table shared by others.

| Export, Transpose, View Conditions & Remove from View

  • Click on the Gear New_Gear.png icon in the summary table menu to download and export the table.



The summary table can be exported in Excel, png, or pdf file formats.


A summary table can be transposed to view the parameters in a row-to-column or column-to-row format.


  • Click on the GearNew_Gear.png icon in the summary table menu to transpose a summary table.


The summary table is transposed.


View Conditions & Query

A user can view conditions and queries used in a summary table shared by others, using this option.

  • Click on the GearNew_Gear.png icon in the summary table menu to view conditions for a summary table.



The condition builder is displayed in a view-only mode for the summary table shared by others.


Remove Summary table From View

A summary table can be removed from view by using the remove from view option.

  • Select the Summary table from the dropdown list.


  • Click on the GearNew_Gear.png icon in the summary table menu to remove a summary table from view.


The selected summary table is removed from view.

Note: Once a summary table is removed from view, it can be viewed again by clicking the checkbox against the summary table dropdown.

| Deleting a Summary Table

A summary table can only be deleted if created by self. This is applicable only to the Summary tables shared by me and Personal Summary tables.

Note: A user cannot delete a summary table shared by others.

  • Select the Gear gear_icon.pngicon under the Personal Summary table/Summary tables shared by me drop-down list.


  • Click Delete


  • Click Confirm to delete the Summary table.

| Summary Table Hierarchy View

The hierarchy view is a feature in the summary table that enables the user to visualize the information in the summary table in a hierarchical manner.

  • Enable the Hierarchy radio button for the same as below.

Note: For custom query tables where tables have a combination of parameters corresponding to zone/system/building, a hierarchy will not be available.

| Bulk Edit Writable Parameters

The Summary also provides the capability to bulk edit the writable parameters, when writable parameters are added to a summary table.

It is also capable of defining any parameter as a writable parameter, as shown in the sections above.

This capability would let support users easily edit writeable parameters from the summary table at once, rather than from the other section in the internal portal many times.

This is enabled by a paradigm similar to what was used in the site explorer tool of the portal.

  • Select the check box View Priority Array & Edit Parameter Value, to view the writeable parameters, and their priority array information.

Once the check box is selected all the applicable writable parameters in the summary table display an edit icon as above. For the tuner parameters, the priority array information is displayed. 

  • Click the edit icon next to a writable parameter to access the writable parameter bulk edit window. as below.

The writable parameter bulk edit window provides the user with the following capabilities.

  • Fill in the value change you wish to write for the parameter in the value field.
  • Enter the duration for which you want the change in value to be valid for, in the hours, minutes, and seconds fields.
  • Select a particular parameter to push the value change to,
  • or select multiple parameters to push the value change to.

  • Click update to confirm the writable parameter value change.

The override confirmation window pops up.

  • Click Override to confirm the change.

The update successful message is displayed, and the writable parameter value change reflects in the summary table as below.


  • For certain parameters like conditioning mode, schedule status valid input is to be given to avoid CCU crashes. There are no validations in place with respect to the value input for a parameter.
  • Priority array tables would be cleared if user provides null values or provides values for a specified duration.





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