
| User Management

User Management is the application in the 75F Internal Portal that is used to create, remove, and maintain users.  User management establishes a user’s authorization to access secure resources. It serves as a repository of identities and, if done efficiently, can be the source of all identities for an organization.

| Accessing User Management

  • Log onto the Facilisight portal.

mceclip0 (2)1.png


From the Facilisight home page,

  • Click the 'Menu' menu-1.png icon.
  • Click ''User Management'.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 141917.png

The 'User Management' screen is displayed as below:

The screen displays the building details assigned for a particular user, and details of all the other users added to the building.

  • Click Add User + under a specific building, to add new users for the building/site.

  • Enter the required details in the user details fields.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 141311.png

  • Select the Role of the user from the select role field.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 141808.png

The roles under the select role field vary based on the type of user for the building accessing the user management.

The table below provides information on the types of users, roles, and roles that can be created.

Type of User Role Description Rules for Adding the User Type & Roles that can be created.
Organization Manager

Manage all the buildings under an organization, have access to all the sites under the organization in Facilisight, and have the following access similar to the Facility Managers

  • Visualize building information in Heatmap.
  • Create and use heatmap filters.
  • Setting schedules,
  • Modifying desired temperatures,
  • Altering the tuner values
  • Altering the floor plan
  • Rearranging a floor plan setting
  • Visualizing historized points data in Site Explorer.
  • Mute and unmute alert notification
  • Create dashboards of widgets for corresponding buildings
  • Alter the conditioning modes for the system profiles.
  • There can be only one Organization manager per site
  • Added by the support team after the CCU registration.
  • Can Add/edit/delete Secondary Facility Managers, Occupants/ Secondary Installers, View Only Facility Managers for the buildings.

Note: An organization is created during the CCU registration, and the Organization managers are assigned post-creation of an organization.

Primary Facility Managers

Manages a particular building or more than a building, has permissions like

  • Visualize building information in Heatmap.
  • Create and use heatmap filters.
  • Setting schedules,
  • Modifying desired temperatures,
  • Altering the tuner values
  • Altering the floor plan
  • Rearranging a floor plan setting
  • Visualizing historized points data in Site Explorer.
  • Mute and unmute alert notification
  • Create dashboards of widgets for corresponding buildings
  • Alter the conditioning modes for the system profiles.
  • There can be only one Primary facility manager per site.
  • Responsible for site user management 
  • Added during the first CCU registration for the site.
  • Can Add/edit/delete Secondary Facility Managers, Occupants, Secondary Installers, and View Only Facility Managers for the buildings.

Note: An organization is created during the CCU registration, and the Organization managers are assigned post-creation of an organization.

Secondary Facility Managers Secondary Facility Managers also

Manages a particular building or more than a building, has permissions like

  • Visualize building information in Heatmap.
  • Create and use heatmap filters.
  • Setting schedules,
  • Modifying desired temperatures,
  • Altering the tuner values
  • Altering the floor plan
  • Rearranging a floor plan setting
  • Visualizing historized points data in Site Explorer.
  • Mute and unmute alert notification
  • Create dashboards of widgets for corresponding buildings
  • Alter the conditioning modes for the system profiles.
  • Cannot add another secondary Facility Manager or a Primary Facility Manager.
  • Added post the site creation.
  • Can Add/edit/delete Occupants, Secondary Installers & View Only Facility Managers for the buildings

Occupants Occupants are the users added to one or more zones in a specific site and can control desired temperatures and vacations for the assigned zones.

Cannot add /edit/ delete any user


View Only Facility Manager Able to just visualize the data in the Facilisight, will not be able to make any edits to the building aspects.

Cannot add /edit/ delete any user


Secondary Installer Added by Support users or Primary managers Cannot add /edit/ delete any user
  • Select a user role from the select role drop-down.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 141311.png

Kindly note, that when the user role type, Secondary Installer is selected, the Certified Installer L1 is auto-selected and the other certified installer levels are disabled for selection.

The table below provides details on the types of certified installers and integrators.

Certification Level for Installers Roles / Permissions
Non-Certified Installer

Gets access close to view only Facility manager, can visualize the data in Facilisight, will not be able to make any edits to the building aspects.

Certified Installer Level 1 Able to access and alter aspects in the Facilisight, just like the facility managers
Certified Installer Level 2

Have all the access privileges similar to Certified Installer Level 1


    • Audit Trail
    • Custom Alerts
    • Custom Analytics
    • Custom Parameters
    • Custom Summary Table
    • Energy Configurations
    • Notes
    • Remote Access
    • Building Options

Similar to the support users

Certified Integrator Level 3

Have all the access privileges similar to Certified Installer Level 2


    • Site Manager
    • Site Sequencer

Similar to the support users

  • Select the user preference setting based on the information provided in the below section.
  • Click Add+ to confirm the new user addition to the building.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 133757.png

  • Click the edit / Delete icon to edit further or delete the added user.

Note: The users and roles available for further editing and deletion are also based on the user role type for the building accessing the user management.

| User Preference Setting

With the 75F system adopting globalized usage, the system lets the user to set the preferred units with which the data is displayed in the portals and apps.

Note: By default, the user preferences are set as follows:

Parameter Default Unit


Energy Consumption kBTU
Airflow Volume  L/min
Air Pressure Pa
Water Pressure psi
Water Flow L/min

The table below explains the user management additions for setting the user preferences.

  • Select the required in the following fields as that of user preference management:
Field Name Description Unit in drop-down


Select the preferred unit for the parameter Temperature.

℃, ℉

Energy Consumption Select the preferred unit for the parameter Energy Consumption. kWh, kBTU, tonrefh, GJ
Airflow Volume Select the preferred unit for the parameter Airflow Temperature. cfm, m3/h, L/min, L/s
Air Pressure Select the preferred unit for the parameter Air Pressure. inH2O, mmH2O, cmH2O, Pa
Water Pressure Select the preferred unit for the parameter Water Pressure. bar, psi, kPa
Water Flow Select the preferred unit for the parameter Water flow. gal/min, m3/h, L/min, L/s

| Language Preference

  • Click the language preference dropdown to select the language of choice

Screenshot 2024-09-30 140900.png

  • Click Add+ to confirm the changes

Screenshot 2024-09-30 142700.png

Note: Language translation is not applicable for Site name, Floor name, Zone name, CCU name, Point name, Tag.

The user is created successfully.

Screenshot 2024-09-30 143024.png


| Types of Users Summary

Users Role Types Added By Roles/Permissions
Facility Manager Primary Manager Added during site creation or added by support users, or ownership transferred by a previous facility manager.

Manages a particular building or more than a building, has permissions like

  • Visualize building information in Heatmap.
  • Create and use heatmap filters.
  • Setting schedules,
  • Modifying desired temperatures,
  • Altering the tuner values
  • Altering the floor plan
  • Rearranging a floor plan setting
  • Visualizing historized points data in Site Explorer.
  • Mute and unmute alert notification
  • Create dashboards of widgets for corresponding buildings
  • Alter the conditioning modes for the system profiles.
Secondary Manager Added by Support users or Primary managers Similar permissions as facility managers but cannot add more secondary managers.
View Only Facility Manager Added by support users, or primary managers, or secondary managers Able to only visualize the data in the Facilisight, will not be able to make any edits to the building aspects.
Organization Managers NA Added by Support users Manage all the buildings under an organization, have access to all the sites under the organization in Facilisight, and Facility manager level permissions to the sites.
Installers Primary Installer

Added during site creation.

Accesses defined based on certification level

The installer who does the installation for the building can be used for future corrections or repairs
Secondary Installer

Added by Primary Installers or Facility Managers.

Accesses defined based on certification level

Similar to Primary Installers but cannot add further secondary installers under.

Occupants NA Added by Primary managers, or secondary managers Able to visualize the zone data and alter the desired temperature for only the zones assigned



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