| Overview
Alerts is a feature of 75F® system that helps the user to keep up with the information that matters most to them. Alerts are delivered through a notification system. Alerts are effective at site level. Once alerts are applied at site level, all the CCUs under the site generate the alerts.
Each building's final set of alerts is enabled in the alert's configuration section of the internal portal. You can deep mute the alerts, enable logging of alerts, create custom alerts, and can add, edit, and delete email addresses of external users who receive email notifications.
With the Alerts feature, the facility managers, Secondary managers, and Organization managers can monitor the performance of their HVAC equipment and take corrective actions if they are not performing as they should. The facility managers who monitor these systems are alerted with notifications as per their preference and are able to mute/unmute alerts based on their preferences and requirements.
There are two types of alerts:
- Predefined: These are designed to raise conditional alarms on certain pre-set conditions and configurations on different devices for existing users.
There are two types of predefined alerts:
- Internal: Alerts that are visible only to the support personnel.
- customer visible: Alerts visible to facility managers and support personnel.
- Custom: These are configurable alerts based on user specifications. Only support personnel can edit or create custom alerts.
| Advantages
With the Alerts feature, you can:
- Create custom alerts.
- View and manage alerts.
- Enable or disable any alert.
- Add or remove email addresses of users to receive e-mail
- Deep mute any equipment.
| Accessing Alert Definitions
Alerts definitions can be accessed from the internal portal. You can enable/disable alert, enable logging, deep mute any alert, create custom alerts, and enable alert email to other users.
- Log onto the internal portal.
- Click More (…) dropdown list as shown.
- Select Alerts Configuration from the dropdown list.
- Select a building from the dropdown list.
The Alert Configuration page is displayed with the predefined alert definitions, and custom alert definitions (if already created).
Note: You can see both customer-visible alerts and internal alerts.
| Viewing Alerts Definition
You are able to view the details of the alert for a particular building on the Alert Configuration screen.
The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:
Field Name |
Description |
Scope |
You can use this option to select any site, to filter the alerts for the site. Each site will have its own set of predefined and custom alerts |
You can use this option to search for a particular alert. You can search alert using a description of the alert or keywords of the description. |
Rows per page
You can use this option to select the number of alert rows per page. Options are 20, 30, 40 and 50 rows per page. By default, 10 rows per page is displayed. |
Alert |
You can see the alerts descriptions under this field. Click the header to sort the alerts alphabetically. |
Severity |
You can see the severity of the alerts under this field. Click the header to sort all the alerts based on severity. In each row for each alert, severity level icon are indicated by its color.
Type |
You can see the type of alert under this field. Click the header to sort all the alerts alphabetically. Type can be Internal or customer visible. Customer Visible: customer visible are visible to the facility managers and secondary managers. Internal: Internal alerts are not visible to the facility managers and secondary managers. |
Muted devices |
You can see the devices muted under this field. Click the header to sort all the alerts alphabetically. |
| Configuring Alerts
You can configure custom alerts from the internal portal.
Creating Custom Alert
- Log onto the internal portal.
- Click More (…) dropdown list as shown.
- Select Alerts Configuration from the dropdown list.
- Select a building from the dropdown list.
Alert configuration screen is displayed.
- Hover the mouse pointer over any Predefined alert.
The conditionals window is displayed.
- Click USE AS A BASIS FOR CUSTOM ALERT to create or edit the custom definition in the Edit JSON window as shown.
The Edit JSON window is displayed.
The following table explains the various fields displayed on the window:
Field Name |
Description |
Predefined Alerts
For more information on the Predefined Alert refer to Predefined Alerts Explained
You can hover over any of the predefined alerts to view the JSON and click view the corresponding JSON in the Edit JSON window. |
Search |
You can use this option to search for a predefined alert or the custom alerts if custom alerts already exist. You can search alerts using a description of the alert or keywords of the description. |
You can use this section to edit the conditionals for the selected predefined alert and use the same to create a custom alert. Note: Conditions for generation of that alert is already embedded in predefined alert. This condition for predefined alert cannot be changed but used to create a custom alert. |
- Select the predefined alert from available list.
- Make the necessary edits to the JSON code and click Add as New Alert to save the changes
Below are the details on the sections of the JSON which include details of each field in the JSON.
Alerts JSON Example:
The keys are strings and the values are the JSON types. Keys and values are separated by colon. Each entry (key/value pair) is separated by comma.
"order" : "1",
"key" : "zone and status and his",
"value" : "3",
"condition" :"=="
"order" : "2",
"operator " : "&&"
"order" : "3",
"key" : "current and temp",
"value" : "80",
"condition": "<"
"order" : "4",
"operator " : "||"
"order" : "5",
"key" : "desired and temp and cooling",
"value" : "80",
"condition": "=="
"offset": "0",
"alert": {
"mTitle": "Zone Temperature Dead",
"mMessage": "Equip #equipname1 is reporting a temperature of #pointval1 outside the defined building limit #condval3",
"mNotificationMsg": "Equip #equipname is reporting a temperature of #pointval1 outside the defined building limit #condval3",
"mSeverity": "Severe",
"mEnabled": "true"
Conditionals |
Main Key for all the data point variables check which will need to be fetched before an Alert is raised |
Order |
This order "number" will specify the placement of the JSON section within the "conditionals" key |
Key |
This forms the main part of the conditional which will be made up of numerous or a single tag to filter out point or points, else it can also be a pointref trying to reference a point. This will become part of the main query that will be sent for points fetch wrt to the Equip, Floor, System, Tuner . This can be used on either side LHS and RHS of the condition. Example : "key" : "desired and temp and cooling", / "key": "id == @c11a6ceb-0bf2-4580-9925-afbe663fb534", "value" : "tuner and temp and cooling", "condition": "==" |
Value |
"value" can be a verifiable number which will be used for verifying a key fetched data point. Value can also be a query which will give points against which the point results from Key will be verified against. "value" : "tuner and temp and cooling", |
Condition |
Conditions are different comparison operators like "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=" |
Operator |
This key "operator" is used to join two condition blocks together like "AND","OR" |
Grpoperation |
This defines the group operation. It can be equip, delta, min max or avg. * "" : run the key query system wide and fetch the matching point for evaluation with condition and value. * "equip" : fetch all zone equips matching key query for individual evaluation with condition and value. * "delta" : fetch all zone equips matching key query. For each equip, find the difference between the last two history values and use that for evaluation with condition and value. * "min" or "max" or "avg" : find all points matching the key query system wide, and take their min/max/ave for evaluation with condition and value. * "bottom NN" or "top NN" : (where NN is a percentage) find the values of all points matching the key query system wide. Take the bottom or top NN percent of the points. Use the closest value to that percentage and evaluate with condition and value. * "oao" : fetch all zone equips matching key query with the "oao" tag. For each, evaluate with condition and the history value of the point for the same equip matching the value query. * "security" : Special logic evaluating the number of password attempts against value with condition. * "alert" : Special hard-coded logic on the CCU defines these alerts |
Offset |
The Time interval after which the alerts needs to be generated. |
Alert |
Alert Key section will contain |
mAlertType |
This can be of two types : INTERNAL and CUSTOMER VISIBLE |
mTitle |
This will need to be unique set of alphanumeric characters[Space also included] which will differentiate one Alert to another alert. |
mMessage |
A short description that will sent when Alerts are sent out to CCU, FAC apps |
mNotificationMsg |
A detailed Message that can be seen when the Short Alert messages are clicked. These messages also are sent for notification alerts options like the emails, Push Notifications. |
mSeverity |
Severe Moderate Low Internal_Severe Internal_Moderate Internal_Low Internal_Info |
mEnabled |
TRUE/FALSE : This will be set to TRUE only if this has been enabled for a site by the Support Personnel in Internal portal in the Alerts Configuration Section |
Messages To follow #defined nomenclature for dynamic inclusion of variable names and values |
#equipname |
substituted by the equipRef of the shortlisted alertable points |
#zonename |
substituted by the roomRef of the shortlisted alertable points |
#floorname |
substituted by the floorRef of the shortlisted alertable points |
#systemname |
substituted by the systemRef of the shortlisted alertable points |
#sitename1 |
Obtained from the siteRef of the shortlisted alertable points |
#pointVal1 |
pointVal1 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval1 , and pick its value |
#pointVal2 |
pointVal2 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval2 , and pick its value |
#pointVal3 |
pointVal3 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval3 , and pick its value |
#pointVal4 |
pointVal4 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval4 , and pick its value |
#pointName1 |
pointName1 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval1 , and pick its name |
#pointName2 |
pointName2 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval2 , and pick its name |
#pointName3 |
pointname3 is obtained when we evaluate the #condval3 , and pick its name |
- Enter a new unique name for the custom alert in the field provided.
The alert definition added successfully message window pops up.
The custom alert is configured and displayed in the alert configuration window.
Note: When you try to save alert with same description as the predefined one, an error message appears as shown.
Below are a few examples of custom alerts definition.
Use Case |
Related JSON |
CPU Fan Stage 1 and 2 |
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "zone and cpu and fan and stage1", "value": "0.5", "grpOperation": "max", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "CPU FAN STAGE 1 TURN ON", "mMessage": "#equipName Fan stage 1 turn on for CPU", "mNotificationMsg": "#equipName Fan stage 1 turn on for CPU", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } }
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "zone and cpu and fan and stage2", "value": "0.5", "grpOperation": "max", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "CPU FAN STAGE 2 TURN ON", "mMessage": "#siteName #EquipName System Humidifier turned ON", "mNotificationMsg": "#siteName #EquipName System Humidifier turned ON", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } } |
System Humidifier Turned On – Relay 7 |
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "system and relay7 and state", "value": "0.5", "grpOperation": "max", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "SYS - HUMIDIFIER TURN ON", "mMessage": " #equipName System Humidifier turned ON", "mNotificationMsg": " #equipName System Humidifier turned ON", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } } |
If Fan stage1 is turned on Occupied Condition (Basically to check the AHU status on Occupied condition) |
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "system and fan and stage1", "value": "0.5", "grpOperation": "min", "condition": "<" }, { "order": 2, "operator": "&&" }, { "order": 5, "key": "occupancy and system", "value": "1", "grpOperation": "", "condition": "==" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "SYS - FAN Stage1 TURNED OFF", "mMessage": "Equip #equipname1 fan stage1 turned off during occupied period.", "mNotificationMsg": "Equip #equipname1 fan stage1 turned off during occupied period.", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } } |
4PFCU Fan Stages changeover alert (Medium or High) |
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "zone and fcu and medium and pipe4", "value": "0.5", "grpOperation": "equip", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "4PFCU FAN MEDIUM TURN ON", "mMessage": "#siteName #equipName 4PFCU FAN MEDIUM turned ON", "mNotificationMsg": "#siteName #equipName 4PFCU FAN MEDIUM turned ON", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } }
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "zone and fcu and high and pipe4", "value": "0.5", "grpOperation": "equip", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "4PFCU FAN HIGH TURN ON", "mMessage": "#siteName #equipName 4PFCU FAN HIGH turned ON", "mNotificationMsg": "#siteName #equipName 4PFCU FAN HIGH turned ON", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } }
Based on loop output Stage 2 turn on notification |
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "system and heating and loop", "value": "50", "grpOperation": "max", "condition": ">" }, { "order": 2, "operator": "||" }, { "order": 3, "key": "system and cooling and loop", "value": "50", "grpOperation": "max", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 0, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "SYS - STAGE 2 KICKED IN", "mMessage": "#equipName System loop output crossed 50 % and Stage2 turned ON ", "mNotificationMsg": "#equipName System loop output crossed 50 % and Stage2 turned ON ", "mSeverity": "SEVERE", "mEnabled": true } } |
VOC Above target with different offset (30 min ) |
{ "conditionals": [ { "order": 1, "key": "zone and air and voc and sensor", "value": "tuner and zone and voc and target", "grpOperation": "equip", "condition": ">" } ], "offset": 30, "alert": { "mAlertType": "CUSTOMER VISIBLE", "mTitle": "VOC ABOVE TARGET 30M", "mMessage": "#equipname reports VOC level of #pointval above 10% of the target value #condval for 15 minutes", "mNotificationMsg": "#equipname reports VOC level of #pointval above 10% of the target value #condval for 15 minutes", "mSeverity": "LOW", "mEnabled": true } } |
CO2 level check with custom lower and upper limit
{ |
Rules for Configuring an alert:
Following are the rules to be followed while configuring an alert.
Alert name should have only alphabets, numbers and special characters (- , / only)
- Alert names are not case sensitive.
- Length of custom alert name can be only up to 30 characters.
| Editing Custom Alert
To further edit or update a custom alert:
- Hover the mouse pointer over the configured Custom Alert.
The toolkit with conditional associated with the custom alert configured is displayed.
- Click Edit.
The Edit JSON window is displayed.
You can further edit the JSON for any predefined alert or custom alert, and it can be saved as new custom alert, or you can update the changes to the same custom alert.
| Deep Muting Alerts
With the deep muting feature, you can mute alerts for internal portal, Facilisight portal, and apps. With deep muting active for any alert, that alert are not available and displayed in Facilisight for the Facility manager to view or edit. This filters alerts that are only required for a Site/CCU/Zone/Equip. There are no notification. Deep muting can be done for a particular site, CCU or a zone applicable to portfolio only through internal portal.
| Muting Alerts
Deep muting allows any alert to be muted for a time frame for any zone or equipment of a CCU.
- Log onto the internal portal.
- Click More (…) dropdown list as shown.
- Select Alerts Configuration from the dropdown list.
- Select a building from the dropdown list.
Click the icon under the Muted devices section.
The following table explains the various fields and section displayed on the page:
Field Name |
Description |
Search |
You can use this option to search for a devices or equipment. |
Equipments |
You can see the list of equipment available for muting. |
Mute status |
You can see the mute status for equipment available. |
- To mute an alert, click the
icon on the CCU/zone/equipment level against that alert.
The Mute Notification for popup is displayed.
- Choose from any of the following options:
- End of the Day: to mute the alert till today end of the day.
- 1 day: to mute the alert till today end of the day.
- 2 days: to mute the alert till tomorrow end of the day.
- End of the week: to mute the alert till end of the week i.e., till Sunday (please note If you are selecting this option on a Friday, mutes the alerts till Sunday i.e., only for next 2 days).
- Custom date: to mute the alert for a custom time interval, when the Custom Date option is selected, a calendar opens to select the start and end date. A custom time range can also be specified.
- Select the start and end date, specify a time range as well if required.
Note: If the user opens custom date calendar and selects date range without editing start and end time. Then start time is considered as current system time if the system is 3:40 PM, then by default the end time shall be 3:39 PM.
- Click Apply to save the changes.
The muted devices are displayed under the Muted devices section as shown.
Note: Hover the mouse pointer over the Muted Devices section to get the complete list muted devices for a particular alert.
| Unmuting Alerts
- Click the devices under Muted Devices.
- click the
icon on the CCU/zone/equipment level against that alert and select the unmute option to unmute the alert.
| Adding User for Enabling Alerts
This feature is used to enable user emails for receiving notification.
- Click Edit Alerts Email on the top right-hand-side of the Alert Configuration screen.
The Add Users window displays.
- Add the email address of the user you want to notify alert.
- Click Add.
A message that the email is added successfully appears.
The email gets added and a separate column with the newly created email address appears in the alerts table. made available for use in the alert configuration screen for notifying, also the initial of the email is added next the search field.
| Editing Email Address
- Hover the mouse pointer over the email address in the Existing Members of the Add User
- Click
icons to edit the email.
Deleting Email Address
- Hover the mouse pointer over the email address in the Existing Members of the Add Users screen.
- Click
icons to delete the email.
Format for the email received shall be as below:
Header: Greeting at the opening of the mail with name of the user who has received the mail
Alert message
CCU Name
Building Name
Link to open and view in Facilisight
Footer: 75F® logo, copyright info and support mail address
| Enabling Alerts Notification
Alerts enabling is a feature within the 75F® internal portal, which is used to enable or disable the notification for users added in the system.
Once the alerts are enabled, the users can set their preference of notification from the facilisight portal.
From the Alert Configuration screen.
For any alert:
- Select the check box under the email, to enable alert notification for the users.
With this feature, you cannot enable any notifications for yourself. The Final Notification list is only for those alerts that has been enabled for the Building in the Alerts configuration in Support portal.
Note: Users will continue to receive notifications for the disabled alert definition, if the CCU is offline.
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