
4 Minute Read

| Setup & Configuration


| Registration

  • Press “Get Started” in bottom right corner.
  • Select the wireless network from the list and enter the password. If you are connecting to a hidden network, select the “+” in the upper right corner, and enter the SSID and password. “Connected” will be displayed below the selected network. Select the right arrow to continue.


  • Select Registration Type
    • Create New Site – Use this option if you are registering the first tablet in a new buildin.
    • Add CCU to existing building – Use this option if you are registering a tablet in a building that has one or more tablets already associated with it.
    • Replace Existing CCU – Use this option if the existing tablet in an already installed building is damaged and needs to be replaced.


  • Select the right arrow to continue.

| Account Setup – Standard Install


  • Site Name: enter the site name.

Note: No special characters like (\. & or #.) as part of the Site Name is allowed.

  • Email: enter the email of the Facility Manager
  • Installer Email Address: enter the email of the lead installer
  • CCU Name: Enter a unique identifier for the CCU and the equipment it controls (e.g. West Wing, RTU 4, Exterior offices)

Note: No special characters like (\. & or #.) as part of the CCU name is allowed.

  • Building Name: Enter the name of the building
  • Address: Enter the street address of the building

Note: The fields cannot be populated with just white empty spaces.

Once complete,

  • Select Next to register the CCU with the new site.


Note: If this is the first building associated with the Facility Manager’s email address, the manager receives an email with a password. Otherwise, the password must be provided.

  • Select the right arrow to continue.
  • Select all product options that will be installed in this system. 75F can edit these options. Select the right arrow to continue.

| Installer Options


Pairing Start Address: Drop-down menu specifying the start address for components paired to this CCU. You need not change this option. This is a unique identifier that is assigned to the modules in increasing order from this value (e.g. 9003, 9 is the channel the mesh network will communicate on, 003 is the unique identifier assigned for that device on channel 9)

Note: Pairing addresses range from 1000 to 10900, and the System integrator should know the RF frequencies permissible in the country where the installation is done, so that he could set the pairing start address accordingly.

Use Outside Temperature Lockout: enabling this allows the user to prevent the use of either Cooling or Heating modes based on the Outdoor Temperature.

Temperature Limits: You can use this section to set the user limits for both heating and cooling, and also set the building limits. 

  • Select the right arrow to continue.

Security: You can use this screen to set up passwords to access Settings and/ or Setup. This can be accessed and changed later.


System Profile: Select the type of system on which the CCU is being installed.



  • Select the right arrow to continue.

Floor Plan and Configuration: You can use this screen to setup floors, rooms, and pair modules.


System Settings: Change settings operational system settings. 


Conditioning Mode: Set the mode of the system. “Auto” will allow the system to decide to heat or cool.

Use DX for Overnight Dehumidification: When humidity is high mechanical cooling will run during unoccupied hours to reduce the indoor humidity level.mceclip6.png

Compensate for Humidity: selecting this option will control the space temperature based on the total enthalpy of the air instead of just the dry-bulb temperature. For example, in very humid situations, the system will cool the space below the setpoint. This will make it so it “feels like” the desired setpoint.

Stage 1 Fan Always ON: selecting this option will run stage 1 fan even during unoccupied times.


    1. Drop-down Menu: Allows for selection of System Schedule (editable locally) or a Named Schedule (editable from Facilisight)
    2. Pencil Symbol: Click to edit system schedule

Status: Displays the System Status

Vacation: you can set vacation days where the system can operate in setback to save energy.

  • Select the right arrow to continue.

A congratulations  message window displays.

mceclip7.pngYou can confirm or revisit to change the registration details from this screen.

  • Press the left arrow to make changes, or
  • Press finish to confirm the registration.



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