Using a 75F Edge 10, a basic Boiler Plant can be controlled in the form of a simple configurable controller. The Edge 10 will come pre-programmed for a true plug-and-play experience and without the need to self-program or accessing the wire sheets on the Edge 10. We will also provide parameters for system tuning on the CCU so direct access to the Edge 10 is not required. All points will be viewed and configurable on the CCU and through Facilisight.
- This solution does not require an internet connection to the Edge 10, only to the CCU.
- The boiler plant may have control for up to 1 boiler and 2 pumps with VFDs, or 2 boilers with 1 pump.
- One mixing valve and loop differential pressure may be controlled if needed.
- Sequence will control boiler or pump lead/lag sequences.
- Pump Status monitored by loop differential pressure
System Points List:
Hardwired Inputs:
- Outdoor Air Temperature
- Supply (Leaving) Water Temperature
- Return (Entering) Water Temperature
- Loop Differential Pressure
- Mixing Valve Position Feedback
Digital Outputs:
- Boiler Enable
- Pump Enable
Analog Outputs:
- Loop Pump Speed
- Mixing Valve Position
- Supply (Leaving) Water Temperature Setpoint
- Outdoor Air Temperature for System Enable
- Loop Differential Pressure Setpoint
- Pump Rotational Sequence (Rotate manually or automatically based on runtime)
- Manual Pump Rotation
- Runtime Hours for Pump Rotation
- PID Loop Tuning for Mixing Valve and Loop Differential Pressure
- Proportional
- Integral
- Derivative
- Bias
- Minimum Output
- Maximum Output
- Ramp Time (Minutes)
- Pump Speed Output Signal Scale/Offset Configuration
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