
With out new update comes a new way to create schedules, and with that, it means getting rid of the well known building schedules. Building Schedules are being replaced with Building Occupancy. And any zones previously on the building schedule will automatically be migrated to a new Named Schedule created called the "Default Schedule" with your site name in it. I'll quickly go over the differences here and how to operate your way around your new scheduling.


Building Schedule vs Building Occupancy

Your building schedule was a way to set a schedule that would by default be the go to schedule for your site to follow. You'd set a temp setting for cooling and heating, as well as establish the days and times that your schedules will run. This has now changed slightly but impactfully, now instead of setting a temperature on your building schedule you are solely setting your buildings possible occupied times, as the name "Building Occupancy" suggests. What this means is that your building occupancy schedule is you setting times that people are able to be in your building, times when you will want to be able to schedule conditioning to run. During the building occupancy time this does not mean your system will run during the entire time, it will only run when you have named or zone schedules set up to operate during the time. For example: if you set up a building occupancy schedule to operate 24/7 that does not mean your system will run 24/7, but instead that you will be able to set a zone or named schedule during any time during the day as you've set your building to be allowed to be occupied at any time.


Named Schedules

Named Schedules will still be operating the same as before, the only difference is that your previously set Building Schedule zones will now be put onto a default named schedule names "(Site Name) - Default Named Schedule" this schedule can be edited and changed just like any other name or zone schedules. You're also still allowed to add or remove your own named schedules, and previously set named schedules will not be switched over to the new default schedule.


Zone Schedules

Zone schedules remain the same aside from our new way of adjusting, and adding schedules to your site.


New Scheduling Interface

Our new scheduling interface looks quite a bit different than our previous UI for scheduling for all building, named, and zones. When you open any of the scheduling you'll be met with a chart with light green "unoccupied" areas and orange "occupied" areas. Depending on which schedule you're looking at they will display a temp as well (building occupancy scheduler will not display a temp, just an orange bar). Building occupancy and named/zone schedules interface slightly differently so I will go over both here.


Building Occupancy Interface: When adjusting your building occupancy you will see the orange bars and the light green to edit your times, select the "Edit Occupancy" text in the top right of the schedule. From here you'll be able to click on the orange bars here, once selected you can right click to delete it, or to expand or contrast the times you will move your cursor to the sides of the rectangle and a little arrow will appear, once you see this arrow click and hold and this will allow you to drag the edges to extend or lessen the times that your occupancy will be available. To add a new schedule click, hold, and drag anywhere on the light green "unoccupied areas of the schedule, you can drag it across multiple days to set it for multiple days as well, once satisfied with the times release left click, to adjust do as before and move your cursor to the edges to lengthen or shorten your times.


Named/Zone Schedule Interface: Adjusting times for named and zone schedules is the same as building schedules. Read above in "Building Occupancy Interface" to see how to lengthen or shorten your schedules. But Named and Zone schedules within the schedule editor also have ways to adjust your temps. Select the "Edit Schedule" button in the top right of your named or zone schedule you are editing to allow you to adjust these schedules. Once you select Edit Schedule a new pop up will appear, from here you can left click on individual schedules or if you want to adjust multiple days at the same time hold Ctrl and Left Click on each orange box to select multiple. Once selected you'll see options below the schedules indicating temp settings. The top setting with the bar and the red and blue arrows is your temp selector, moving these up and down will set your cooling (blue) and heating (red) set points. Below that you will see your user limits. Here you can adjust your min and maxes for both heating and cooling. These limits effect how far you or your tenants can adjust their temps. For example, if you set your heating user min to 65, that means that the heating temp setpoint can go no lower than 65. Below that is your deadbands, the deadbands effect how far apart your heating and cooling setpoints can be from one another. These 2 setpoints are combined, so a 1 degree deadband on heating and cooling will mean that you will be allowed to set your heating setpoint and cooling setpoint within 2 degrees of one another. if set to 2 degrees each than you will have 4 degrees between heating and cooling.


For a video on this topic check out this link here!




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