
| Overview

In 75F® system a HyperStat will map the VFD fan speed to our heating/cooling loop output. By default, this will result in a 1-volt signal to the VFD during the first stage of heat/cool. Controlling a staged unit with a VFD fan will require additional configuration to the profile and tuner section to stage the VFD speed along with the heating and cooling equipment.


| Procedure

Either on the CCU or the Internal Portal, remap the heating and cooling stages, then adjust the zone-level StandaloneAnalogFanSpeedMultiplier tuner as follows:


For a single stage unit with VFD fan:

Heating Stage 1 -> Heating Stage 2

Cooling Stage 1 -> Cooling Stage 2

StandaloneAnalogFanSpeedMultiplier -> 1.6

Note: now the first stage of heat/cool will activate at 50% loop output, at which point the VFD will be at 80% due to the StandaloneAnalogFanSpeedMultiplier.


For a two stage unit with VFD fan:

Heating Stage 1 -> Heating Stage 2
Heating Stage 2 -> Heating Stage 3

Cooling Stage 1 -> Cooling Stage 2
Cooling Stage 2 -> Cooling Stage 3

StandaloneAnalogFanSpeedMultiplier -> 2.4

Note: now the first stage of heat/cool will activate at 33% loop output, at which point the VFD will be at 85% due to the StandaloneAnalogFanSpeedMultiplier.



Example - After reconfiguration:





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