

In some cases, AAON units do not have 3rd Party terminal strip connections to control the unit and instead offer a VCCX2 Controller that provides either BMS Controls (BACNet MSTP) or terminations for external control of :

  • Occupancy and Remote Overrides.


Without adding the cost of a standard system level controller (JACE, Edge10, HoneyWell, JCI), 75F is able to use the HyperStat to control the aforementioned points with minimal programming and configuration while providing contacts to interface with the controller. 


CCU Configuration:

  • Zone Profile will be set to 'HYPERSTAT-CPU'.
  • Enable :
    • Relay-1 (Y1 / Cooling Stage 1)
    • Relay-3 (G / Fan Low Speed)
    • Relay-4 (W1 / Heating Stage 1)
    • Relay-6 (O/B / DeHumidifier) if applicable.zoneconfig.png

AAON VCCX Wiring/Configuration: 

  • Relay-1 (Y1) from the stat should be landed on Binary Input 5 on the VCCX.
  • Relay-3 (G) from the stat should be landed on Binary Input 4 on the VCCX.
  • Relay-4 (W1) from the stat should be landed on Binary Input 6 on the VCCX. 
  • Relay-6 (O/B) from the stat should be landed on Binary Input 7 on the VCCX if applicable.


-The binary inputs of the VCCX require wet contacts (24 VAC only) to recognize an active input. If only dry contacts are provided, the contact closure will not be recognized. For this, we will use the same 24 VAC that powers the VCCX controller to power the HyperStat. 

-If remote forced operation is used, it must apply to Cooling, Heating, and Dehumidification. The unit must be configured for Mode Set By Remote Contact.





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