

You can choose from any of the following predefined visualizations in Portfolio Analytics Manager:

Trend Chart

Trend charts show trends in data over time to understand the real-time performance of a process. All the trending points associated with a building or multiple building can be plotted using a trend chart.  

For video on trend chart, click here

Creating Trend Chart


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.png icon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Trend Chart from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Click Select Level Type as Builder. This option allows you to build a query using the UI points.  Select Custom option allows you to build a custom query for the zone or the equipment. 


    • With Builder option, you can select specific zones, floor, or equip and see all the points.
    • With Custom option, you can use custom query such as 'cmd and Fan' that will show relevant points.
  5. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Select Tags


You can use tags to choose points that need to be plotted in the chart. You can choose from the following tags: air, airflow, alarm, analog, base, co2, conditioning group, id and so on. If you select the temperature tag, then all the points related to temperature is plotted. You can choose more than one tag.

Date Range




You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 



By default, all the equips are selected. To select individual equips from the list, clear Select All checkbox. Click an equip to select it. The points for that equips is selected as well. 



By default, all the floors are selected. To select individual floors from the list, clear Select All checkbox.



By default, all the rooms are selected. To select individual rooms from the list, clear Select All checkbox.



By default, all the devices are selected. To select individual devices from the list, clear Select All checkbox.

Retrieve Points

After equips, floors, rooms, and devices are selected, you can click this button to get all the related points on the right-hand-side pane. If any of the previous selection such as scope, tags or equip/floor/room/device is modified, then clicking Retrieve Points displays the updated list of related points.



- Separate Charts: You can select this option to plot separate charts for each of the selected points. Click the Chart Type Selector icon to select from the options (line chart/area chart/bar chart/dashed line chart) along with color for each of the points. 

- Combine Equips: You can select this option to plot separate charts for each of the equips and its points. Click the Chart Type Selector icon to select from the options (line chart/area chart/bar chart/dashed line chart) along with color for each of the equips.

- Combine Points: You can select this option to combine all selected points in one chart. Click the Chart Type Selector icon to select from the options (line chart/area chart/bar chart/dashed line chart) along with color for each of the equips. You will also have an option to name the chart.

Color Gradient


You can select the legends provided to change the colors of the graphs. This appears only on selecting Combine Equips and Separate Charts.

Chart Type Selector


You can customize the chart by clicking this icon.

Widget Refresh

Select the frequency you want the data to be refreshed by clicking this.

      6. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

For a demo video of how to create a trend chart, click here.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


Let us consider an example where you want to plot a line chart for energy, gas, and electricity cost index of a selected building.

The trend chart plotted is as shown:


The trend chart displays data as follows:

  • For the first day, it will show minute-by-minute data.
  • For 2 days, it will show 1 min data for plotting and downloading.
  • For date range from 3 to 15 days, it will show data at 5 min intervals for plotting and downloading.
  • For date range from 16 to 60 days, it will show data at 15 min intervals for plotting and downloading.
  • Beyond the date range of 60 days, it will show data only at 1 hour intervals for plotting and downloading.

Hover the mouse over the chart to view the daily temperature as shown.

Terrain Chart

The terrain chart plots energy consumption on a three-dimensional surface in a similar way that topographic maps visualize elevation. The colors and patterns represent parameters within the same range. This chart type is especially useful for finding the optimum results when comparing two or more sets of building data. 

For video on terrain chart, click here.

Creating Terrain Chart


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Terrain Chart from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 


You can select from the parameter category such as Consumption, Cost Index, and Site Intensity.  


Depending on the parameter category chose, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Cost Index include Energy Cost Index, Gas Cost Index, and Electricity Cost Index.

Group By

You can select the Same as Dashboard option or select from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly options.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 

     5. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


Let us consider an example where you want to plot a terrain chart for energy consumption (kWh) of one floor of a building for three days. In this scenario, the scope is limited to only one building.


This chart shows the energy consumption across the first floor of the selected building for three days. You can hover the mouse over the graph to view the details. Hover the mouse over the chart to view the daily energy consumption as shown.

Saving Scorecard

You can use this widget to check savings in energy consumptions of the building based on the details entered on the Energy Configuration page of the internal portal. The data benchmarked for the previous year prior to 75F® system installation is used to compare the energy savings.

Creating Saving Scorecard


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Savings Scorecard from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Parameter Category

You can select the parameter category as consumption.



Depending on the parameter category chosen, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Consumption include Energy Consumption, Electricity Consumption, Gas Consumption, HVAC Electricity, HVAC Gas, and Light.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 

       5. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


Let us consider an example where you want to plot a Saving Scoreboard chart for energy consumption of a selected building.


In this example, the benchmark data is set as 7500 kWh while the actual energy consumption was 7045 kWh for the year prior to 75F® system installation in the building. The Saving Scorecard chart shows an energy consumption of 455 kWh and $300 in savings after 75F® system was installed.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

You can use this widget to check the reduction in carbon footprint for energy consumption, electricity consumption, gas consumption, HVAC electricity, HVAC gas, or light of a building. This chart is plotted based on the computations of the Energy Configuration page of the internal portal.

Creating Carbon Footprint Reduction


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Carbon Footprint Reduction from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Parameter Category

You can select the parameter category as consumption.


Depending on the parameter category chosen, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Consumption include Energy Consumption, Electricity Consumption, Gas Consumption, HVAC Electricity, HVAC Gas, and Light.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 

      5. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


Let us consider an example where you want to plot a Carbon Footprint Reduction chart for energy consumption of a selected building.


The chart shows a carbon footprint reduction of 12850 lbs of carbon of electricity saved and 7000 lbs of carbon of gas saved after 75F® system was installed in Building B.

Portfolio Energy Usage

You can use this widget to view and compare the data with any other parameters and range for the selected buildings. If you do not choose another building for comparison, then the benchmark data set in the Consumption Data section of the Energy Consumption page on the internal portal is considered by default.

Creating Portfolio Energy Usage Chart


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Portfolio Energy Usage from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Parameter Category

You can select from the parameter category such as Consumption, Cost Index, and Site Intensity.  


Depending on the parameter category chosen, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Cost Index include Energy Cost Index, Gas Cost Index, and Electricity Cost Index.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 

    5. Click Compare if you want to compare the data with any other parameter and range.


  • If you select the Compare option, then it will be mapped as per your preference and parameters in the Compare
  • If you do not select the Compare option, then it will compare the selected parameters with the benchmark data if previous year’s data is entered and marked as benchmark.
  • The energy entities dropped at the floor level are considered as parent level and those below them are children. Adding entities at parent level overrides the entities added at children level.

   6.  In the Comparing with section, select the parameters and the date range.

   7. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


Let us consider an example where you want to compare the same set of parameters across two buildings.


Site Comparison

You can use this widget to plot comparisons of energy consumption, cost index, or site intensity across various sites. The Site Comparison visualization shows a box and whisker plot along with maximum consumption for the building. This type of box and whisker plot shows the shape of the parameter distribution, its central value, and its variability. In a box and whisker plot, the ends of the box are the upper and lower quartiles, so the box spans the interquartile range. 

The maximum to minimum consumption building list highlights the maximum to minimum energy consumers among all the sites if multiple sites are selected; if only one site is selected, then all the floors are compared. 

Creating Site Comparison Chart


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Site Comparison from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Parameter Category

You can select from the parameter category such as Consumption, Cost Index, and Site Intensity.  


Depending on the parameter category chosen, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Cost Index include Energy Cost Index, Gas Cost Index, and Electricity Cost Index.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 

      5. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


In the following example, site comparison for energy consumption is done for all buildings in the portfolio for the selected date range.



The graph shows the energy consumption for the two buildings for the date range selected. Hover the mouse over the horizontal graph to view the energy consumption across the floors of the selected building. Click the areas indicated by arrows to read median, quartile, and whisker values on the chart. If you click the horizontal line graph, a sunburst chart is displayed with the dynamic energy distribution that can be viewed by floor or equip level. The sunburst chart shows the hierarchical consumption data of buildings/CCUs/zones and equip type distribution. Each level of the hierarchy is represented by one ring or circle with the innermost circle as the top of the hierarchy.  Hover the mouse over the sunburst chart until the cursor changes to hand pointer and click to get different representations of the sunburst chart.

Average Demand

You can use this widget to plot the average demand of energy consumption, cost index, or site intensity across various sites. The chart shows the average maximum and minimum demand against the benchmark maximum and minimum load that is set in the Energy Consumption page of the internal portal.

Creating Average Demand Chart


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Average Demand from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Parameter Category

You can select the parameter category as Consumption.


Depending on the parameter category chosen, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Consumption include Energy Consumption, Electricity Consumption, Gas Consumption, HVAC Electricity, HVAC Gas, and Light.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the other options are disabled. 

      5.  Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


In the following example, site comparison for energy consumption is done for all buildings in the portfolio for the selected date range.


In this chart, the average maximum demand is 30.91 kWh against the benchmark maximum load of 5000 KWh whereas the average minimum demand is 0kWh against the benchmark minimum load of 500 kWh for the selected building in the selected date range. Hover the mouse over the chart to view the electricity consumption at an hourly basis.

Energy Usage Map

Based on the building(s) selected, you can see the energy consumption across the buildings.

Creating Energy Usage Chart


  1. From the dashboard page, click Add Visualization.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Widget Title until the Edit edit_button.pngicon appears. Click the Edit icon and edit the title.
  3. Select Energy Usage Map from the Widget Type dropdown list.
  4. Select from the following fields to configure the widget.

The following table explains the various fields displayed on the page:

Field Name



You can select the building for which portfolio data is to be analyzed and monitored. Scope is one building or multiple buildings based on user navigation preference. 

Parameter Category

You can select from the parameter category such as Consumption, Cost Index, and Site Intensity.  


Depending on the parameter category chosen, the parameters are displayed. For example, the parameters for Consumption include Energy Consumption, Electricity Consumption, Gas Consumption, HVAC Electricity, HVAC Gas, and Light.

Group By

You can select the Same as Dashboard option or select from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly options.

Date Range

You can use this option to either retain the date range same as the dashboard or manually select a different date range. You can choose from the following options: Today, Last 3 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 months, Last Year. If you select the Same as Dashboard option, then the options are disabled. 

      5. Click Save Visualization. Dashboard is refreshed with the latest visualization.

To learn more about other actions possible on the chart, see Additional Features.


Let us consider an example where you want to plot an energy usage chart for electricity, energy, and gas consumption of a building in the globe.


In this example, the total consumption for the selected building is shown as 30994.53 kWh computed as the sum of electricity, energy, and gas consumption. Hover the mouse over the pinned location to view the daily consumption as shown. Click the pinned location to zoom in.

Additional Features

The following additional features can be found on the visualizations on the Dashboard page:

Action Description
Mouse Hover


You can hover the mouse over any visualization to view the data as shown.

Drag and Drop/Reorder

You can drag and drop/reorder the visualizations on the Dashboard page. Hover the mouse over the visualization you want to move until you see the Drag and Drop/Reorder  icon and the shape of the cursor changes. Pressing the mouse, you can drag and drop the visualization around the page.



Hover the mouse to the bottom right of the visualization until you see the mouse change to . Now use the mouse to resize the visualization.





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