
| Introduction

The Custom Equip graphics with Common Framework feature allows users to add and manage custom graphics and parameters. It includes a consistent builder, sharing mechanisms, bookmarking, descriptions, and arrangement capabilities, enhancing flexibility and user experience.

Custom Equip graphics for real-time equipment visualization offer dynamic representations of HVAC systems, enhancing user understanding, enabling quick identification of issues, and improving decision-making.

The system continuously updates the graphics of components like Air Handlers, Roof Top Units, and Fan Coil Units, displaying current conditions such as temperature, pressure, and flow rates. 

Interactive control elements in HVAC systems allow users to adjust settings directly from the graphical interface, offering an intuitive and user-friendly experience. These controls simplify navigation, reduce the need for complex menus, and enable immediate responses to changing conditions.

| Accessing the Custom Equip Graphics

  • Login to the Facilisight Portal

  • Click on the CCU

Screenshot 2025-01-16 122354.png

The Equip Graphics page is displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-08 161754.png

  • Click on Add Equip Graphics to add Equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-08 161754.png

The Equip Graphics pool is displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-08 162559.png

  • Created by Me: Equip graphics created by the user are displayed under created by me list
  • Created by Others: Equip graphics created by others are displayed under the created by others list.

| Search, Like & Bookmark Capability

Custom Equip graphics shared by other users can be liked and bookmarked for reference.

  • Under the Common Pool,

  • Click on the like icon to like a Equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 154127.png

  • Click on the Bookmark icon to bookmark a Equip graphics for future reference

Screenshot 2025-01-13 154127.png

  • Type in the name of the Equip graphics to search for a Equip Graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-16 151714.png

| Create a New Equip Graphics

  • Click Create new equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-08 162559.png

The Graphics Builder is displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-08 164637.png

  • Enter the name of the Custom Equip Graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-08 164637.png

  • Enter the Why and What description

Screenshot 2025-01-08 165830.png

  • Select the Build type

Screenshot 2025-01-08 170629.png

  • Select the required tags

Screenshot 2025-01-08 171342.png

  • Select Add parameters to add more parameters to the Equip graphics.

Screenshot 2025-01-16 173136.png

Note: A maximum of 40 parameters can be added to Equip graphics

  • Uncheck No Conditions and select + to add conditions to the parameters

Screenshot 2025-01-16 175743.png

  • Enter a custom value or the selected parameter from the dropdown list

Screenshot 2025-01-16 181428.png

Note: User can either select a custom value or the parameter value from the dropdown list

  • Select the color from the palette or select a custom color

Screenshot 2025-01-16 181847.png

Note: Users can choose to provide a label for parameter conditions, which will be displayed according to the selected color code. If no label is provided, the value will be displayed using the selected color code.

  • Select Add Calculated parameters to add calculated parameters to the custom equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-16 182248.png

Note: A maximum of 40 calculated parameters can be added

  • Click the calculator icon to display the Blockly page

Screenshot 2025-01-16 183521.png

The Blockly page is displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 150821.png

  • Add the sequence block as required

Screenshot 2025-01-16 183244.png

  • Click Save to save the parameters
  • Click Back to parameters to go back to the parameters page
  • Click Add Graphics to add image and parameters

Screenshot 2025-01-16 183521.png

The Graphics Configuration page is displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 171104.png

  • Click the + icon to add image to the equip graphics

Note: The maximum limit to add images is up to 10 images not exceeding 20 MB. Only png, gif and jpeg images are supported.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 171104.png

  • Select the image to be included

Screenshot 2025-01-13 163246.png

  • Select the Toggle button for same tooltip arrangement

Screenshot 2025-01-13 163246.png

  • Select the star icon to make the image as default graphics in case of multiple images

Screenshot 2025-01-13 163246-01.png

  • Select the parameters and drag and drop to the right-hand side of the image

Screenshot 2025-01-13 170952.png

The Equip parameters are displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 164515.png

  • Select the delete icon to delete the graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 171509.png

  • Select Back to parameters to return to the parameters page

Screenshot 2025-01-13 171740.png

  • Click on Create New Graphics to create the Custom Equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 171922.png

The Equip Graphics is created successfully.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 172034.png

| Editing a Equip Graphics

  • Click on the Edit icon to edit the Equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 172517.png

  • Click Continue to edit the Equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 172647.png

The parameters page is displayed.

  • Click Create as New Graphics to create the graphics as a new graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 173101.png

  • Click on Update graphics to update the Equip graphics if changes are made

Screenshot 2025-01-13 173454.png

The Equip Graphics is edited successfully.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 173648.png

| Deleting a Equip Graphics

  • Click on Delete

Screenshot 2025-01-13 173454.png

  • Click continue to delete the Equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-13 175734.png

The Equip graphics is deleted.

| Duplicating a Equip Graphics

Equip graphics can be duplicated for graphics shared by others

  • Click on the Equip graphics to be duplicated

Screenshot 2025-01-16 130309.png

The Graphics builder page is displayed.

  • Click on Duplicate Graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-16 130548.png

  • Edit the values, description and parameters as per requirement
  • Click Create as New Graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-16 131019.png

The Equip graphics is duplicated successfully.

Screenshot 2025-01-16 133030.png

Note: Only Equip graphics created by me can be edited or deleted. 

Note: Only L2 and above certified users can create, and update Equip graphics.

| Applying Equip Graphics to Site/Zone Level

  • Login to the Facilisight Portal

  • Click on the + icon on the right bottom corner

Screenshot 2025-01-16 144643.png

  • Click on the Equip Graphics icon

Screenshot 2025-01-16 144741.png

  • Select the Equip graphics to be applied

Screenshot 2025-01-16 151200.png

The Equip Graphics builder is displayed.

Screenshot 2025-01-16 152136.png

  • Select the Build Type

Screenshot 2025-01-16 152136.png

  • Select the required tags to filter system or zone modules for adding the selected equip graphics

Screenshot 2025-01-16 161041.png

The required system/zone module is filtered.

Screenshot 2025-01-16 161627.png

Note: Each profile can select up to 2 equip graphics from the global level and up to 2 equip graphics from the page level (zone/system).

| Writable Parameters

Writable parameters can be edited for custom equip graphics by selecting the pencil icon on the equip graphics page.

  • Click on the pencil icon to select the writable parameters

Screenshot 2025-01-22 192212.png

  • Enter the required values 

Screenshot 2025-01-22 192650.png

  • Click Update to update the parameters

Screenshot 2025-01-22 192915.png

  • Click override to override the existing parameters

Screenshot 2025-01-22 193023.png

The values are overridden successfully.




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