
| Saffron AI Chat (BETA)

We are integrating a chat interface into Facilisight that doesn't just converse but can actually take actions and build widgets to help you analyze data based on your conversation. We have broken this out into 3 primary types of prompts that the AI picks up on. Below are examples of prompts in each category. But you are by no means limited to the prompts shown here. Saffron has access to the whole site's data set so feel free to elaborate on the prompts below and send us your feedback!

| Getting Started

Once you have received access to Saffron AI, you should see a chat bubble to the left of your Site Overview page.

Before you can ask Saffron anything about your building, you must first complete registration (see below). This is very simple, and helps us personalize the AI just for you.

Please note that no features will be unlocked unless this step has successfully completed.

First, Saffron will ask you to provide your name:


Next, you will be prompted to provide a name for your AI:

That's it, you've completed the registration step!

Now whenever you interact with Saffron again, you should see a personalized message.

| Explore

First, you can explore your site and the current conditions in it. Explore around and find out what you require

  • What are the current CCU versions?
  • Are my CCUs online?
  • What's the weather in my building?
  • How many floors/rooms/equips in the building?

This allows you to ask questions about your building's data:

  • Plot a graph of the zone current temps
  • Plot the IAQ as a bar chart
  • Plot the current temps as a line chart

Saffron only supports a limited set of measurements today:

  1. current zone temps
  2. IAQ
  3. discharge air temps

We continue to add measurements based on usage and feedback. Only line charts and bar charts are supported today.


Integrated Help Desk

All 75F Support content is now available via AI Chat. You can now ask general 75F support-related questions such as:

  • "What is a DAB profile?"
  • "What's the difference between DAB and VAV?"
  • "What's the difference between a named scheduled and a special schedule?"
  • "Help! Why isn't my RTH pairing?"
  • "What is the recommended CO2 threshold per ASHRAE Guidelines?"

Saffron AI will cite all its sources and include the most relevant articles it could find.


AI Recommendations

Saffron now supports Summary-Tables and Heatmap Filters. The AI recommends the best visualization for your requirement based on how other users have interacted with them in the past. The more these visualizations are used, the more likely they are to be recommended in the future.

Example Usage

  • "Show me the occupancy"

The AI infers that the best visualization for this task is our built-in Heatmap Filter that generates occupancy details for each zone:

  • "Show me a VAV summary"

In this case, the AI infers that the best visualization is a Summary Table that has been created by our team for this exact purpose.

In some scenarios, a simple command may be too vague, so you can direct the AI:

  • "Show me a heatmap of RSSI"
  • "Show me IAQ as an overlay"

Screenshot 2024-11-19 142649.png

Whiteboard to Dashboard

You can now upload your sketch onto the Chat UI and generate a dashboard from it. Simply click on the attachment icon and upload an image.

  • Select the image from the + icon

Screenshot 2024-11-20 114049.png

  • Attach the required image to the chat

Screenshot 2024-11-20 114757.png

  • Select Convert Sketch to Dashboard

Screenshot 2024-11-20 121000.png

The Dashboard is displayed from the image

Screenshot 2024-11-20 121249.png

We currently support Summary Tables and Dynamic Charts. This is useful if you're not very familiar with our extensive dashboarding tools and just need a quick dashboard containing analytics for your building



Transferring to a live agent

Users can request to be connected to a live human agent anytime during the conversation. Saffron integrates with Zendesk to provide a unified UI that allows a user to switch between an AI agent and a live agent.

  • "I want to talk to a live agent"

Language Preferences

Users have the ability to update their language preferences by simply asking Saffron:

  • Please use Spanish from now on
  • I prefer talking in Hindi

Screenshot 2024-11-19 115901.png

| Analyze

Second, we expect you may want to visualize the data. Saffron can help you with some visualizations as well. 

Prompts based on latest data:

  • What are the latest zone current temps?

  • Show me the latest discharge-air temps

Screenshot 2024-11-19 143037.png

  • Show me the latest IAQ / CO2 levels

Screenshot 2024-11-19 143152.png

  • Which zones had current-temps greater than 75F?

  • Which zone had CO2 levels greater than 500ppm?

Prompts based on historical data:

  • What were the highest/lowest/avg zone current-temps today?

Nameplate Data Extraction

Saffron now lets you update your building equipment using images of HVAC nameplates. Saffron will convert these details into Haystack tags and automatically update the equipment.

To get started:

  • Upload an image using the + icon

  • Select the right suggestion (or type your own)


  • Specify the zone you want to update using Twitter-style mentions via the '@' sign

  • Follow the prompts to update your equipment

Note: please make sure the equipment supports editable tags (capacity, manufacturer, etc.)


Fault Detection and Diagnostics (Preview)

Saffron is now natively integrated with our Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) platform. This allows it to investigate your building's issues by looking at its past behavior and alerts.

The agent will attempt diagnose the following issues:

I. Economizer issues

Malfunctioning outside air damper

II. Zone airflow issues

Zone balancing issue

Disconnected duct or shut-off damper

Faulty SAT sensor

Inadequate conditioning due to an undersized unit

Damaged / unresponsive VAV reheat unit

Damaged / unresponsive standalone unit

Damaged / unresponsive zone damper

Short-cycling AHU


To trigger the FDD agent, simply ask:

  • Is anything wrong with my building today / were there any issues yesterday?
  • Why is "Office" room hot?
  • Are any AHUs short cycling?
  • Has this issue occurred before / in the last 2 days/ week?

Please reach out to Support to enable FDD for your building today.

| Actions

Finally, it's likely you'll want to perform actions on your building. You can simply ask Saffron AI to do things for you without having to navigate through Facilisight tools.



Set desired heating and/or cooling temps for zones:

  • Set the heating temp to 72F for 1hr for all zones
  • Set the cooling temp to 74F for 2hrs for the "Office"
  • Increase the heating by 1 degree for 2hours for all zones
  • Decrease the heating by 2 degrees for 1hr for the "Office"

Set special schedules the zone-level:

  • There's a meeting at the "Office" from 3pm-5pm today. Can you set the heating to 71F? the building-level

  • There's a special building event from all day tomorrow. Can you set the heating to 72F?

Set vacation schedules the zone-level:

  • The "Office" is under construction tomorrow. Shut off the HVAC. the building-level:

  • The building is closed for Christmas from 24th-26th. Can you shut off the building?

Alert Configuration

Subscribe to alerts:

  • Subscribe to all high severity alerts
  • Subscribe to all medium severity alerts for the "Office"

Unsubscribe from alerts:

  • Unsubscribe me from all low severity alerts for 2 days
  • Unsubscribe me from all medium severity alerts at the "Office" until eod

Building Management

  • Generate building passcode

| Feedback


Users can submit feedback on AI responses:

Use the 'Got more feedback?' option to provide more detailed feedback:

Saffron is still in its early stages, and your feedback is critical as it allows us to fine-tune and tweak our algorithms so we can provide the most relevant and accurate responses for your queries

| Prerequisites

User requirements

Before you get started, please reach out to Support to enable Saffron for any of the following:

  • Facilisight Portal (Web)
  • Facilisight App (Mobile)
  • Internal Portal (Web)

CCU requirements

Please note that your site needs to support Hayloft model integration for analytics and FDD to work correctly. Here's a list of what profiles are currently supported:


Profile Supported  Minimum CCU Version
VAV Yes 2.15.x
DAB Yes 2.15.x
Standalone Profiles  No  


Application requirements

Summary Tables and Dashboards are not available via the Facilisight App today.

| Additional Notes

  • You can phrase the above questions any way you like, as long as they are unambiguous
  • Naming the AI: users can give the agent a name, and provide a name the user prefers to be called
  • Text-to-speech: users can use the sound icon at the top of the chat window for speech synthesis
  • Speech-to-text: users can user the mic button in the input text box for speech recognition
  • Multi-lingual (auto-detecting speech language is currently not supported)

For more information on the Facilisight AI chat bot please refer to Facilisight AI Chat Bot.





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